Stairway to Heaven

May 30, 2007 00:47

wins on the absolutely evil stepparent front. So evil, she even hated her own son because she decided only one child could get it all and that child was her daughter. It also wins with the evil stepsiblings (yes, I include the stepbrother who compounded the evil because of lurve!).

But since caerbannog talked about the evil stepsister's mad eyes I haven't been able to watch a scene where she does the whole widening and rollong of the eyes thing (usually combined with a barring of the teeth that she clearly learned off mother) without laughing.

Now the heroine has her memories back I am expecting great things. Especially as she now has a spine and is out for righteous vengeance. Hurrah!

ETA: The only way to get through this drama is with a *lot* of fastforwarding.

kdrama, stairway to heaven

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