Jul 25, 2005 11:59
This is so weird. I went to the summit yesterday and I saw both Stephanie AND Kim........................................................... I don't really know what to say. Kim was in a security car like always just riding around like she is THE SHIT. And exactly when I saw Stephanie and started talking to her, I saw Kim. She was just staring at me with amusement in her damned eyes. What the fuck was so funny? That I had my baby brother in my arms? Well I didn't talk to Stephanie for that long. She told me she broke up with her boyfriend and she'd be staying here in Alabama for a yr 1/2, maybe a little longer and she gave me her number and screen name, so I guess that's cool but I did mention that I'm with two people. She didn't really seem to care and that bothered me. I don't think that I will call or even IM her. I had forgotten all about her pretty much and I don't really see why I liked her much. She's too mature for me and I don't even so much as like the person that she reminds me of anymore. I couldn't see myself with her anymore. Ugh. So she didn't care that I was with two people already but she got pissed when I wasn't paying her any attention because Kim was there. I explained that Kim was an old crush that had a crush on a girl I used to be with and that repeatedly went all out to make me look and sound like a slut to the girl I was with because Kim liked her too. Drama. Nothing but drama. It was nice to see Stephanie. I didn't think that i'd ever see her again. Ever. But hey, it happened. And I'm kinda being a bitch about all of this. Just because she reminds me of the last girl I would ever want to be with again doesn't mean she is like that girl. She's her own person or whatever. Oh man and I saw my Machiatto Woman (Adrian) at Walmart less than a week ago. And man. I don't know what I was mostly. Disappointed or jealous. I never did do anything when she did throw some moves on me and I had the chance. It just didn't feel right... at her work. No. DAMN!!!! She was with the hottest most beautiful black girl I have EVER seen. And most people think I have bad taste because I tent to end up with the butches and I don't care what the people I date look like BUT this girl, I'm serious, was better looking than Beyonce, Alicia Keys, Mariah Carey, and all those good looking women. All I could think was Damn, how did Adrian get a woman like that??!!!?? Adrian waved to me and smiled and vice versa and the girl got this look like Oh no, you didn't! I wanted to tell her to roll down her window with those perfectly manicured fingernails and say Um, you have nothing to worry about. Look at me, look at you. I mean damn. I hate it when people are so damned insecure. What is up with people that break up with other people because thy find out someone else likes them? They get all in a frenzied craze like Oh now someone else likes me so I have to try them out now. Buh-bye! And all I want to say is Grow Up PLEASE. Ooooh I left the best for last. Haha yeah right. I'm not gonna be some jobless hobo now. I start working tomorrow or the next day. Yay. I'll have my own money now. I'm tired of bumming money off of my parents. It's old and lame. I'm just worried I won't get to see much of Keekee now : (
What is up with people calling you only when they want something from you? That is so fucked up and lame too. Don't call me up just wanting something from me. You're not getting ANY money, ANY rides, or any from me period. I'm through with the bullshit and I'm through being nice. I'm keeping my guard up from now on. I don't give a shit about anything or anyone anymore except for me. Yeah I'm a selfish bitch, call me whatever you want, but I'm through looking out for everyone but me and i'm not getting hurt emotionally OR physically anymore. Through with that shit. Oh and once again, I have the right 100% to call all guys DICKS. I thought Hey maybe there is a guy out there that isn't like the rest of Them, but nope, I proved myself wrong with that one. All guys are DICKS. in their own little ways.