Lots to write about, lots to write about!
Class started Monday. I'm actually liking it... sort of. It's a HUGE change from being at Millersville. Temple is about a billion times bigger and there's so much more diversity. The diversity makes me very happy though. I like that there are all kinds of people represented here... I was saying to Anna, there were no Asians at Millersville. I swear to the baby Jeebus! It made me sad, because I love Asians!
Also, there is a Japanese & Korean food truck very close to all my classes, and I had veggie gyoza there the other day and it was wonderful. And today, Maggie, Sam, and I all went to Wendy's and pigged out. Another benefit of going to school in Philly: REAL food, as opposed to the same stuff all the time being served in the dining hall. At Temple, I can get sushi at the dining hall if I want! Or a burrito! Or Chinese! Or other stuff!
I also enjoy taking the train. Granted, I hate being dependent on the train to get home and stuff, but it's really... relaxing? And, yes, riding home at peak hours is NOT great sometimes, because the jerky business men/women don't always move over for us students, which is hella rude, but I have time to read now! And once I start getting homework, I can maybe think about doing that on the train.
My classes are... okay. I only say okay, because my one French class is going to be so fucking easy, and I was disappointed to learn that I couldn't substitute it for a different French class. =[ The teacher is nice enough, but her accent kind of sucks. Maybe it's because her native language interferes? I dunno, but she's definitely rolling/flicking her R's and not making a guttural R...
Also, sorry if I haven't been a good flister lately. I'm catching up.
I wish I had something sweet to eat... Maybe I'll try looking again...
I didn't find anything to eat, but I'm watching/finishing this grossss and bizarrreeeee movie called Grace, which is about this chick who is preggers and then gets in a car accident avec her husband who dies and her fetus is stillborn but she decides to keep it for the remaining [in my head, I thought "remainding", lol] three weeks of her preggernancy, which OMGWTFBBQ WOULDN'T SHE GET SEPSIS OR SOMETHING?, but yeah and the baby ends up living when the mom cries on it and the baby doesn't want milk, it wants blood and bites the mom's tit and she's like OUCH but it's awwwright, 'cause yer my baby and I'll take care of yew and the mom kills people in the end to feed her baby nom nom noms but not before becoming anemic and shit oh and the mom is vegan and a hippy which basically means she's mentally retarded and refuses to go to a fucking hospital even though her kid is srsly messed up and smells like a corpse and flies are attracted to it and icky poo and also the mom runs away with the lesbian midwife and they scissor and [well, not in the movie] live happily ever after.
The End.
The poster for the movie is pretty cool looking: