Apr 17, 2005 18:20
FridAy__wenT 2 HoLLy`s theN EsTer caMe & gOt us n we weNt t0 thE traCk mEeT. theN h0me i HaDa bAd heAdaChe.
SaTurDaY__g0t ReaDy, wEnt 2 RAvAnnA w/ DaddY. hunG oUt w/ NiKKi* & Sam*. (( in a NuT sHeLL --DRAMA--)) theN haD 2 g0 hOme cus oF duMb rEasOn.
ToDaY__wEnT 2 HoLLy`s. g0t ReadY. m0m picKed me Up weNt shOpPin =] tHen bAcK 2 Holl`s for a lil biT n` nOw i`M h0me. taLkin to PariS, CryStaL, n NeeKoLe.
i love all of my friends. if i didn`t have you guys i would be in a valley in a box lost.