If anyone needs me I'll be in my office doing MadLibs....

Feb 18, 2008 11:10

So...It's been about, what, 3 months right? Time to post again.

This week is the first "Week from Hell" experience I will have had since college. Though it is not as bad as having five to six papers due as well as five to six tests within two or three days, it still blows. Aubrey is at corporate this week for training type things (training that I don't need which is why I didn't get to go), and so I am in the office alone. This means talking to the patients... We all know how well I do talking to people, let alone people I don't know, let alone sick people in the hospital.

I was going to call them all in their rooms from the office but this morning I just sucked it up and went to see them. I figured it didn't make much sense for me to call them if I needed to go up and get them to sign forms or something else anyway.

So right now I am taking a break from working and being lazy and posting here. I imagine the work this week will still be its regular slow self, so I might as well distribute the actual work around. That way I am not totally bored out of my mind for hours on end (but in smaller increments of time, you see). Besides, I already did a bunch of stuff this morning. (Yay! talking myself into justification for procrastinating work!)

In other news...

For Christmas my mom bought me some fabric that I had been eying at a quilt show. I didn't buy it when I was looking at it, so naturally after that I couldn't find it anywhere in Cheyenne or northern Colorado. Anyway, my mom ordered it off the internet for me and I have since put together almost all of the top of a quilt. All I have left is to put some borders on it and then I will send it off to someone else to machine quilt. I would have liked to have done it by hand myself, but as it is HUGUNGOUS I decided this would take forever. I am really pleased with myself and all my mother's friends think I am very industrious as I whipped almost the whole top together in a couple weeks. I can't wait for the damn thing to be on my bed already.

Aubrey and Greg want Eric and I to go backpacking sometime this summer, permitting Eric can find time to fit it into his schedule of stuff and things. This kind of activity doesn't really sound like me does it? When was the last time someone heard me mention physical activity? Oh yeah, never. Also the last time I did any kind of real camping (with tents and sleeping bags and wilderness) was when I was 4. But I think it sounds like a fun thing to try. Expanding my horizons and all those phrases well-rounded people use.

So even though we aren't really sure that we are going we decided that it would be best to start getting in shape for it now. Which is good because I am in no way prepared for it. (I am...shapes... not really in shape... SHAPES) So we got a membership at the hospital's gym (as it is dirt ass cheap compared to other gyms) and have been working out trying to build up our cardiovascular systems. And also going to yoga (YAY!) because it is awesome. I enjoy this as it is really still too cold here to do any exercise outdoors and I am tired of sitting like a lump in my basement cave.

Well that was long and drawn out. So much for the short, aphoristic post that I imagined...

sewing, things that suck, quilting, work, backpacking, industriousness, exercise

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