Ah how I love nice days!

Apr 19, 2007 13:47

So really, could it be any nicer outside? This morning my roommate and I went jogging/walking (more walking than anything else :-p ) through our neighborhood because it was so gosh darn nice outside. I've gotta say, our neighboorhood is pretty cute. Lot's of little houses on a lake. Oh! AND We've got lake access which I finally went to see today. It isn't much, but I bet we could get a nice bonfire going at our house. Anyway, sun is great. I'm not looking forward to going to work so that I can be inside for the rest of this beautiful day.

I've got a new obsession in the world of music. John Reuban (I'm thinking I'm spelling that wrong) but yeah, he's amazing. His lyrics mean something, so much that by the end of each song your like "Yeah! That made a lot of sense". It brings you to tears sometimes, but at the same time it's got a nice beat. I'd describe it as christian hip/hop/ rap-ish. Good though...He focuses a lot on some of the stupid things us Americans sometimes do.

Speaking of, when did educated college students start shooting people? The whole virginia tech fiasco makes me sick inside and makes me want to cry. What kind of psycho would do that? From what I can tell, he had some major issues. I can't even imagine how it must be to go to that school right now. It was bad enough when 1 person committed suicide on GVSU's campus when I was there. But 32 people? My thoughts and prayers go out to anyone involved.

Alrighty, time to enjoy this nice weather while I still can. Stay safe all!
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