
Oct 08, 2006 02:27

I made my family cheese soup today. My grandpa ate 6 bowls of it. He got so full he had to lay on the floor to watch the football game instead of sitting in his chair. I feel proud of my soup.

funniest, creepiest quote of the day: "If you weren't my granddaughter, and I didn't already have a wife, I'd marry you." --grandpa jones.

In other news, Amy and I cleaned our filthy apartment!!!! She did most of it and I am pleased with the world. However, there is one skillet that our other roommate uses over and over to cook...things...in and never changes the ...stuff...in it. Our stove is like a chinese restaurant. Thats ok though. Perhaps he will make me an eggroll someday. AND. Its saturday night and I'm about to get drunk and kill pixels in digital fun land!!

Hickory dickory dock, the spaceman stole my sock. I chased him down, gave him a frown, that asshole broke my clock :(
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