In which Leslie chats with a robot. Or something.

Mar 24, 2011 22:37

Whilst watching Top Gear and tooling about on the internet, Leslie is accosted by an unknown AIM chatter. Or something.

uninvited guest 
:     hey there
:     Should I know who you are?
uninvited guest 
:     sup
:     heyy sorry if i bothered ya i was just pretty bored wanna chat??
:     Are you just a random person?
uninvited guest 
:     nice i was so lonely it's nice to have someone to im with so what are you up to?
:     You aren't a person, are you. You're a thing. A cyborg, perhaps.
uninvited guest 
:     oh welll, i just got through out i am actually sittin in my towel can u give me a minute
:     If you are a cyborg, it's pretty clear that your brain is still human, because your spelling and grammar are atrocious. Or you have a clever plan to lure us into a false sense of security with such a display.
:     And thereby, foolish assumption on our part.
uninvited guest 
:     ahh see only took a sec im bout to get on my cam i've been doin these shows while i am in university wanna join me?
:     Actually, I'm well past schooling at this point in my life, and I thank you for a pointless offer, and shun it entirely.
:     Also, don't have a cam. Or even a camera.
uninvited guest 
:     it's so much more fun ;) and i think i actually have a freebie still i can let u use too if you wanted
:     Nope, I'm good.
:     Creeper.
uninvited guest 
:     sweeet! it's still good i just need you to give me a awesome rating so i can get more but i'll earn it :)
:     hey there
:     LOOP.
:     We'll see where we get from here.
uninvited guest
:     aight my cam is hooked up through a chat network to keep away the aggervating little aim geeks so don't worry if ya don't have one or it don't work ok???
:     ...doesn't work. If it doesn't work.
uninvited guest
:     ok babe this is going to be just u nd me you just go to and make sure you click the free invite on the side there ok??
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