Sep 09, 2010 06:52
Day 3 - Is there any of the films adaptations that have made you angry because they’ve ignored important parts of the book?
Oh, I'm sure times ten thousand [my current phrase for whatever reason]. The thing is, after Percy Jackson, [and the third Mummy, though that wasn't a book], I've learned to forcefully separate myself from source material so I can, in fact, enjoy movies. If we're going to let Leslie rant on a book-to-movie, it would most likely be a Narnia, not an Hahrry Pottah!. Also, some of the things I really loved would have been ridiculously expensive to try and pull off...or, the fact that they've been so hesitant to make NEVILLE AS FREAKING AWESOME AS HE ACTUALLY IS.
...ooh, and that time when they were in the hospital to see Mr. Weasley and they saw Lockheart [Lockheart? I want to say LockWOOD. As in FLINT. Karla, have you watched Cloudy yet?] and he's so darned proud of himself because he can write all joined up. Also the time with Neville and his parents was very sweet.
I need to go to work now.