Fav. Character: Dr. Manhattan, because he's a kinky woobie tentacle sex God
Least Fav. Character: Ozy-thingamabobs, because he sucks
Fav. Scene: Rorschach's prison break, because it was plain awesome
Least Fav. Scene: Nite Owl II and Silk Spectre II murdering stupid little midget bandits in the most brutal ways imaginable, because no, really, and later they tell Ozy-thingamabobs what he did was horrible? Sorry, I doez not believes eet.
Ships: Nite Owl II/Rorschach, because my slash goggles exploded at the latest when Rorschach got vaporized
Extra: I knew right from the start that the guy carrying the sign was Rorschach, because of the way he kept staring at his loverNite Owl II
Rating: 95/100, because few parts were really stupid and Rorschach dies