I spent Halloween with
iromakuzarukas and it was a lot of fun, as expected! Especially after the cleaning marathon with Hilde, who came over very early yesterday -- well, at least my room isn't filled up with dust anymore. Though I should, sometime, sort my mangas. >_>" Whatev.
We made
Jack O'Lanterns*, ate pumpkin soup and spicy pizza (well, one of the pizzas wasn't that spicy, though the package had x-tra hot written on it), watched "Peter Pan", Kuroshitsuji why can I spell this correctly!? and the dourama of Hana-Kimi. ♥
I'm looking forward to her birthday party. *\^_^/*
And now I will finally start working on my NaNo project. I think L-O-V-E will be the main theme for this fic. Jaunty, somewhat oldschool, lighthearted. Even though it will contain a lot of conspiracies and blackmailings. *lol*
* which nearly burned our precious fingers, but we eventually got them to glare... I mean glow. They are reaaaaaally nice pumpkins, of course.