
Sep 02, 2009 00:14

lol It's been a week since my last entry. I fail at LJ, sorry. So.. the past month, in a nutshell.

WORK... sucks. I'm so not motivated lately. D: The desire to try something new is growing day by day, but I can't act on anything yet because I don't have a plan. I don't know what to pursue next. Well, I do know what I want, but I don't know if it's what I'm meant to do. Yes, my fear of the unknown and unfamiliar still cripples me, so I need wisdom & courage in that area. *sob*

FAMILY... is doing good. My atchi constantly sends us photos & videos of Liam and his cuteness.♥ Parents are doing fine. Karen is still a bundle of stress, what else is new. I wish she'd learn not to take things so seriously once in a while. It's making her really negative & critical, and I want her to be happy. :(

FRIENDS... are great. This past month I've met new friends, caught up with old ones, gotten closer to people whom I never would have expected to. :) These are the people whom I've grown up with, the ones I love and dislike at the same time (LOL), the ones I admire, the ones I choose to be accountable to, the ones walking with me through this journey called life. Sounds cliché, but I truly want to treasure them all. This includes you, my dear LJ f-list, and I'm sorry if I haven't been commenting/posting lately. I do read your entries & I'll try better to comment. ;o;

LOVE... is all around me, however you want to interpret that. LOL XD I'm still single, and still not rushing anything, but God has placed several people in my life that make me feel like I'm not an ugly hermit. Hahaha.

LIFE... is generally good. It's tough, but God is faithful and He keeps me going. There are some things that I seriously need wisdom for, like my career path and relationships, but little by little I'm learning to trust that He'll take me where I need to be-perhaps even somewhere I'd never expect to be. I'm excited and scared at the same time, but all I know is that I don't want to be a turtle anymore; I don't want to hide in the safety and comfort of my shell while life passes me by. I need to LIVE, darn it.

HEALTH... is not so great. Apparently I have to go to rehab... for my back (which rehab were you thinking of? lol). My lower back has been painful for almost a week now, but only when I change positions (from sitting to standing & vice versa). Weird. My dad says it may be a slipped disc, or I just have to lose weight, LOL. And omg izon_no_niwa I'm glad you're okay! ;o;

Now for the lighter stuff:

FANDOM... is rocking my socks. BUT my interests have shifted. *gasp* I now join the ranks of Kpop fan drones, particularly those of Super Junior and DBSK. XD Well, I did like DBSK's music as Tohoshinki (their Japanese releases) at first, so I'm not surprised things turned out this way, lol. But the effect on my J-fandom... well, let's just say I haven't watched Jdramas for over a month now. O_O And I should have been more excited with V6's new PV GUILTY (which is actually an okay song), but all I could think about was SuJu's SORRY, SORRY with the b&w and suits + Ne-Yo's Closer with the chorus. NOT GOOD, lol. But seriously, I can see why JE feels threatened by Korean idol groups. Just look at them dance. *_* I have aramatheydidnt and omonatheydidnt to thank for the constant lulz lately.

In Jrock, I'm also excited for Pura's new single & DVD, thought I'm slightly sadfacing that they're going to be released only a month apart. Me needs more time to gather more monies. D:

And as for my only English fandom.. I am the proud owner of Take That's Beautiful World DVD.♥ I cried before Gary even sang the first line of the first song (Reach Out), ngl. ;o; Beautiful concert, and I love that there's backstage/making/commentary footage THAT I DON'T NEED SUBTITLES FOR. \8D/ (Because Japanese artists seem to refuse to cater to their English-speaking Asian fans.. hmph)

Now time for some random photos that were taken over the past 2 weeks:

My growth group Mosaic. This was taken during the GCF Singles Conference. :D

Small Brent reunion last Wednesday at Marcie's place. She's getting married in January in Boracay, and was here from the UK for a week to get things done for the wedding. So of course we had to see her! :D And the second pic is with my friend's bb, Ethan. This is my "Auntie Leslie" photo for now, since I can't have one with Liam yet. :(

Last Friday was Ann's 27th birthday. Instead of a cake, her mom put candles on 27 cupcakes. :3 And Ann got a birthday hug from her daughter. Awwww :3

Karen & I had a date in Shangri-La Plaza on Saturday. I still think it's weird that we live in the same house but never really talk to each other because we're both doing our own thing, lol. Hence the bonding over Curry Beef Pepper Rice (Pepper Lunch♥) and expensive ice cream (Häagen-Dazs). The second pic is the view from where we were sitting while eating ice cream.

And a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to kagechii!! U KNW ILU♥♥♥

That's it for now. :3 Gotta sleep & rest my back, lol.

life, picspam, family, plastic tree, super junior, fandoms, food, birthday, work, brent, friends, kpop, love

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