Okay, that ranty post on the 2nd does not sum up my feelings for the new year, lol. (But oh noes, I'll have to put it in the 2008 year-end meme XD)
Anyway, this is pretty late, but HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone! :D
Let me begin with an optimistic note: 2007 sucked big time.
LOL XD No really! I had a lot of lows last year--spiritual, emotional, even mental--although I never really posted the details here. A lot of RL people read this journal, and even if there's a f-lock option, I just don't feel comfortable using it. *shrugs* But it isn't a case of not wanting other people to know what I'm feeling, but more of not wanting to be a bother to people. But I've pulled through all the lows because of God's grace, and nothing else. Which is why I'd like to think that I bounce back pretty quickly, lol.
2007 was a bad year for business too--not just for us, but even my mom's business friends say so too. I don't want to bore you with details, but let's just say that we closed more branches than we opened last year, and it seems like everyone wants a slice of the proverbial Japanese food market pie. And whenever a certain competitor of ours showed up a stone's throw away from one of our branches, I was peeved, but I accepted it. Fine, they're better in some aspects, but when they started making it their goal in life to follow us around and go to the extent of blocking the customers' way and badmouthing us, I've begun to hate them and their foul tactics. I don't care if they say all's fair in business or whatever, but but but.. they're rude and swapang and not nice and I don't like them. >:( (LOL where has my vocabulary gone?) But we'll take this rigid competition as an opportunity to improve our brand while they're busy wasting time trying to put us down. Our sushi tastes better anyway. XD
Lol, the first part of this post turned into a rant, even though I didn't want it to. ^^; I guess there are still some situations around me that I'd like to change, but I have a good feeling about 2008. There's a sort of..lightness in the air, like things will get better. Or maybe because there's no other way to go but up. XD
My sister's leaving for Singapore this afternoon, so I said my goodbyes earlier. She's actually coming back for a friend's wedding in Baguio on the 25th, so we might spend that weekend up in Baguio with her. :) I feel kinda bad that I wasn't able to spend a lot of time with her while she was here, but being the Christmas season it's normal that she'll have to see old friends plus her husband's family too. Anyway, she and Allen are also thinking of moving to Canada. Another move will be hard, but wherever they go, at least I'll have a place to stay, lol! XD
I was planning to have a picspam post here, but I already uploaded pics over at my
Multiply, so you can check it out there. Sorry, I got lazy. XP
Now, what post can be complete without some fandom flailing? XDDDD
I ordered Kanjani8's 47 dvd. That makes the 2nd JE item I purchased with my own money. What can I say, they're so much crack love! :3 Really, I'm indebted to all those generous fansubbers. I'm starting to like Yoko more and more despite him being loud and obnoxious.. or maybe that's exactly what I like about him, lol. I think because I first saw him as kakkoii serious Seishirou in Yukan Club, I was really surprised to see him all noisy and outspoken in all those K8 bangumi. :D And omg his solo song WONDER BOY is so cracktastic. The first time I heard it, my face was O_o throughout the whole song! XD They say he's the 'worst' singer in K8, which is probably why he's rapping most of the time. But I think he can carry a tune alright. :)
And I recently discovered the smexiness of Ohkura. I think it's just me, but in some angles I see some (like, really really small) resemblance to Gackt. Shape of the face, maybe? But ♥ ^^ Subaru's another strange one who makes me think he's always on something. And Ryo.. well, I just like him. XD K8 Ryo is like a quiet spoiled little brother, while NewS Ryo is a cool gentle older brother (according to the members). It's interesting to see two different sides of him in the groups he's in. :)
Okay, I'm going to be a fangirl and post a ranking of who I like best (which doesn't necessarily mean I don't like the last one). XD
Kanjani8: Ryo -> Ohkura -> Yoko -> Subaru -> Hina -> Maru -> Yassu
NewS: Ryo -> Shige -> Tegoshi -> Massu -> Yamapi -> Koyama
KAT-TUN: Kame -> Maru -> Koki/Jin -> Ueda/Junno
Hey!Say!JUMP: NO WAY. I'M NO PEDO. Loooool
I contradict myself when it comes to Jin. I say he's overrated, but sometimes I find myself going 'kyaaa' anyway. XD But really, Yukan Club was just.. okay. :| And KAT-TUN's recent live performances haven't been all that great.. It's like they always have a hard time singing Keep the Faith. I haven't heard the preview of their upcoming single yet, but it seems like 1 Pound no Fukuin is getting a lot of hype.
Saw the Johnnys Countdown, and I was surprised that it was short. It's the first countdown I've watched, and it was nice to see a lot of mixed group singing. Someone posted about making her husband and his two friends watch the program with her, and their comments were SOOOOO FUNNY. I was seriously ROTFLOLing -->
"A Boy's View on the World of JE".
Taichi (TOKIO) was weirdly hyper though. I'm used to seeing him all calm and collected as the SC Premium host. BUT speaking of hyper Taichi, I watched
Fantastipo the other night...AND IT IS ONE OF THE STRANGEST MOVIES I HAVE EVER SEEN. ...Trippy? Twisted? Dramatic? If the ending was supposed to be a warm and fuzzy one, how they got to the ending felt like they just picked random stuff out of the air. I mean, MOMMY FARM?? I think I was all WTH through the whole movie. Of course, the song at the end was pure trademark Johnny with the furitsuke and all. But.. I did find the song catchy. XD
Okay, enough JE for now. That was.. kinda long. XD
So. I had the driver pick up my package in Customs this morning, so hopefully, if the Customs people aren't feeling particularly corrupt, I'll get it this afternoon. I'm excited for Gazette's new single; recently I find myself listening to a lot of slower jrock songs. Pura's coming out with a new single soon, and I'll be sure to get it once it's available for preorder. :DDDD PLASTIC TREE I LOVE YOU.♥ Please re-issue your Nijigen Orgel 2 & 3 dvds, plsplsplspls. ;_;
OH HEY. I forgot to mention that I might be going to Japan this year (for real, this time! XD). My uncle suggested for us (er.. the clan) to go on an Asian cruise (China-Korea-Japan) this summer, and since he knows how much I want to go to Japan, he said we have the option to extend our stay in Tokyo. :DDDDDDDDD :DDDDDDDDD :DDDDDDDDD Um. I don't know how much it'll cost yet though. But I'm definitely going to check if there are any lives around the area during that time. I HAVE TO SEE PURA, GAZETTE & SID PERFORM BEFORE I DIE. Oh, and visit a Johnnys Store. XDDD Hmm I wonder if I'll have a celebrity sighting, lol. XD
Anyway, like I said, I have a good feeling about 2008. :) Work is actually getting busier, as well as my ministry in church, but I feel positive about everything. If things don't go as planned, then we'll just learn from the experience and God will show us a better way. Sometimes He says no to something good or something better, because He's preparing you for the best (Jer. 29:11-13). I'm not scared of what may happen this year, because my trust and hope in Him will keep me going. :)