I guess I spoke too soon about kurage being troll-free. I mean, post your personal hate in your own journal. That was too much.
On the lighter side of things, I had lunch with mom today. She tells me she always eats too much whenever she takes me along, lol. Our after-meal conversation always goes something like this:
Mom: *exhales loudly* Ugh, I'm so busog (full). Lesss! It's all your fault! I only eat big lunches when I'm with you!
Me: Pero enjoy naman, diba? (But it was enjoyable, right?) *biiig smile*
This is why we have a hard time losing weight, lol. Our family enjoys food A LOT. XD
Annnnd. I'm trying to pace myself with Hana Kimi and Yamada Tarou. They're both so cute, and I don't quite want to catch up to the current episode just yet. ^^
mozaemonpico.. *tugs at your shirt* keitai strap ga hoshii~ *sad puppydog eyes* (_ _。)
EDIT: I made a new layout on a whim. Because I can't stop listening to Zero.♥ I didn't put a lot of thought into the header and color scheme and whatnot, but I think it'll do for now. ^^ And I switched to Plus just for the icons. XD
les_cuki les_cuki les_cuki