Jan 24, 2007 13:44
I was in my qualitative tutorial today, and got put into this group. we had to come up with a topic, a quantitative and a qunatitative question, and wholly fuck, i had the most dumb ass, red neck, gutter whore in my group. the topic was 'waitress tips' and she wanted the qualitative question to be, "what factors influence tipping?" DUMB FUCKING ASS. that's the answer you give if you're fucking two years old, gezus fucking christ, so i tell her 'we need to make it more specific' and she was just like 'no it's good the way it is' and starts reciting shit from the text book which had absofucking nothing to do with the question we were talking about, and of course, when the TA hears what we have to say, in not so many words he calls it fucking stupid ass. I HATE DUMASSESSS! just the fact, that she fought with me about it, when clearly what i was saying was making sense just made me SOOO fucking mad. like really, if we weren't in a classroom me and this girl would have been at each other's throats. It's a damn shame shooting people is illegal, cause i can guarantee you, the world would be SO much better off without damn ignorant stupid fucks who for some reason, think they know everything.