So, yesterday was a busy day. We were supposed to go pick up my sister and my nephew and then my mom from the airport. We were going to cache on the way to do all this, my mom didn't need to be picked up until nine pm. So, we get up and start getting ready and my mom calls, she got a earlier flight and will be in a three pm. So we had to hurry and get ready to leave. We didn't get to do any caching, just had to hurry and go get my sister.
It was so good seeing my nephew. I miss the shit out of that little boy. He is growing so fast, and it's really depressing me how much I am missing. He is crawling now, and pulling up on things. He didn't seem like he really knew me anymore. He wasn't all happy when I held him like he used to be. All smiles and such. I think he had forgotten me.
After Laurie got Shane to bed Sarah, Laurie, Nikki, Smudge, Krypto, and I all went to the levee in downtown Baton Rouge. It is so beautiful out there. The dogs had fun. I took some pictures, but not many of them came out very good.
After we were done walking around the levee we went to the top of our favorite parking garage, you can see all of downtown br from up there. It's so pretty. We interrupted some people up there doing the dirty, so we didn't stay up there for very long.
And just cause I haven't posted pictures on my LJ in forever, get ready for a
Sarah, looking for the only cache we got a chance to look for.
A little baby watermellon we saw at a rest stop.
A boat from the same rest stop.
Sarah and Shane at another rest stop. Isn't he a cutie.
Laurie, playing with the artwork.
Art is fun see!? xD
I think Sarah likes the art a little to much.
Me and Sarah.
My dad and Shane, he met us at the rest stop. Oh, and that's Sarah's butt.
Krypto, from when we went to the levee.
Sarah and Krypto on top of the parking garage.
I picture of the Mississippi River bridge taken from the parking garage.
Mmkay, well we got the movie Crazies out of the red box yesterday, and I need to get in there and watch it with Sarah so I can return it on my way to work tonight. I hope it is as good as everyone is saying it is.