Just a randomly hyper entry.

Jul 17, 2010 15:43

Yeay. I finally got off my lazy butt and went to the gym today. Go me. I didn't do much since I haven't been in so long, I didn't want to exhaust myself before work tonight, specially since I have to be there until midnight. Ugh. Midnight. x.x And then I have to be back at 9am the next morning. Grr. Walmart. x.x I found my perfect walking song. The song Meaning of Life by Disturbed is the perfect song for me to walk to. The beat and tempo match my step perfectly.

Least it won't be so bad tonight. Normally when I work until midnight I am alone, tonight Amber and Brenda will be working with me. They are both farily new, so it won't be bad. I like working with both of them. They both work, unlike some people. Also, we have fun when we work together. Amber gets off at eleven and Brenda gets off at midnight with me. Sooo, eets cool.

It has been so nice with my mom in Wisconsion. Not that I like her being gone, I just like having use of her car. I decided I wanted to go to the gym today. I got dressed. I left. I didn't have to make fifty phone calls "Hey, wanna go to the gym?" "Hey, take me to the gym?" "Hey can I use your car to go to the gym?" ect. And, I didn't have to walk. GOD I miss having a car of my own. It has been so nice not having to bum rides to everywhere.

I told my mom that while she was in Wisconsin she has to video tape herself asking some random person on the street if it is easy being cheesy and give it to me as my prize from the trip. xD

Something random; Elita went and found me on Facebook and requested my friendship. O.o I am not sure how I feel about being her FB friend. Because even if she is my friend I WILL still bitch about here, even if she can read it. That could make things difficult....

Haha, I just got my toe bit by a piggy. xD

I am slowly doing better and better since Wednesday. I still miss Priss like hell, and think about her a lot. I know it is going to take time to heal and all. I think I am finally getting over the initial shock. Like I said in the last journal, I have been through a lot of shit in my life and she was the one thing that was stable. I could ALWAYS count on her, she was always there. She has just been such a big part of my life for such a big chunk of my life, I just don't know where to go from here.

I know I must sound crazy to some, because she was a dog. But I never saw her that way, she was my best friend. I loved her like I would love any other family member, so for me this was like losing family. It's really setting in that she won't be there anymore. I've even fixed her a bowl of food the other night. I still look for her to bring her into the bed room at night too. When you do something every night for eighteen/nineteen years it becomes second nature.

Okay, enough about Priss. I am trying to keep myself from dwelling on it. She wouldn't want me to, so I am not.

Sorry for the random spazstic journal entry, going to the gym has me pumped, and a little hyper.

So, night before last we re-organized our book shelves. Man do we have a lot of books. We filled up three shelves and still have some piled to the roof in neat stacks on top of the shelf. We decided to add a zombie section to our 'Library' lol. I took pictures through out the process, maybe I'll post them. They are on my twitter, if any of you follow me on there. http://twitter.com/LeRhat

Well, guess I need to get off my lazy butt and get ready to go to work. x.x

reading, prissy, ryuk, twitter, work, yah it sucks, getting healthy, house cleaning, facebook, getting fit

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