Dec 22, 2002 20:01
lately i've been stuck with a stagnant feeling in the back of mind all the time. like i'm not doing anything productive. in response we've (me, scott, and nick) been working on a lotta different things. our short film. our "band." nick's book. and just recently me and nick decided to start working on a full length comic. a lot of it is going to be based on the work of Lloyd Pye ( basically he thinks that the missing link, the explination of the "quick" jump from neanderthal to homosapian, is alien dna. that the aliens came here 400,000 years ago to mine gold in order to replentish their atmosphere. they were not adept to our environment so they genectically engineered a pre-existing species on earth to basically be their slaves. we saw a brief segment about this on an "In Search Of..." marathon on the sci fi channel, and the plotline we've been forming almost directly corrilates with what Pye's whole deal is about. so that was kind of cool. gave us a LOT more to work with. i haven't drawn or written anything for enjoyment in a long time, so i'm really looking forward to it. going to take forever to get it done, but i think it will end up being really bad ass. i'm thinking about asking my brother to color it after we scan everything. he's really getting into illustration, and he's really good, so i figured he'd be the perfect person to ask. i want to do some more shit with my brother. we never hang out, so it'll be cool to do something with him.
also sat down and wrote most of a song. i think it sounds pretty tight, but i want to play it for a couple people to see if it's any good. and if no one likes it then fuck them.
i've been house sitting for my parents for the past couple of days. there isn't shit to do here. friday night i did find some crunk-ass movies like "Stick" starring Burt Reynolds, "Blair Witch Project," and "Deliverance." thank god i have pot.
and scott got me System of a Down - Steal This Album for christmas and it fucking kicks ass