Aug 08, 2011 17:58
I've finally read far enough into Ghost Story to feel like I can start writing about my reactions. I'm reading it little by little and I'm way too easily distracted, but here are my thoughts thus far:
Defendarius? It seems to me like JB came up with a spell he wanted Dresden to use but for some reason couldn’t just say, “Harry tried a new spell he’d been working on for a while.” Instead he said it was something Harry learned from Justin... I just don’t like it.
Little Harry being taught by Justin how to make fire? Totally cool. I mean, it’s pretty amazing to actually know about Harry’s first ever moment of pyrotechnics, especially considering how he killed Justin and how much he uses fire in his daily life, but I was actually more interested in Justin. In the TV show we get to meet and see Justin Morningway several times, but although Harry’s mentioned and talked about Justin DuMorne (DuMourne?) before, we’ve never had a scene with him in it. It’s just nice to actually have something to base my assumptions of his character on. It hasn’t really changed anything, though. As soon as Harry opened up that package with the baseball glove... I said out loud, “Harry, don’t go outside.” It’s heartbreaking that Justin would do that to a child.
I love these books and I loved Maggie and the whole Papa Bear thing Dresden had going on, but really, she ruined everything. Or rather Susan did. Why couldn’t she have just stayed away? I never liked her in the first place. And now everything’s gone to shit. I liked these books better when there wasn’t some huge complicated multi-book plot to try to keep up with. It’s like when a TV show starts being too “previously on...” Like on Glee. Every single episode has to open with “And here’s what you missed last time on Glee.” I wish it were less continuous story and more one-offs. (I never thought I’d be complaining about this. I used to moan about not enough continuing plots.) I want Dresden to get his body back. I want them to put Chicago back together. I want Harry to either have a relationship or not because all of this will we/ won’t we shit with Murphy is pissing me off. I never wanted them together in the first place. I would have even taken Susan over Murphy. And now everything’s wrong. I want Harry’s contract as the Winter Knight not to stick. Unfortunately, as I just finished the bit with Lea teaching Molly I seriously doubt this will happen. I’m so frustrated. I’m so sick of the never-ending angst.
Love that Nick Christian has been brought in, although it’s turning into a rerun of Changes with the Everyone Harry’s Ever Met theme going on.
rl: real life,
f!books: dresden files