Oct 17, 2004 20:41
Yea so this weekend me, aaron, nick, nicole, and roxanne chilled and it was kinda weak didnt really do much n shit but hey its all good. But yea i went to homecoming, kinda cool but yea danced with the finest girl in the school on the last song so yea you know, thats what made it good. Chaaaa....Marinate!!!!
Yea so uhhh.... nicole and roxanne's gay ass took aarons bed at his own house, how the fuck does that go down???? Somethin really got fucked up and blown out of perportion there cause yea that should never happen, unless i was gettin somethin out of it!
But yea so Nick is a savage n a half cause he helped me design this page along with mr aarons guidence to new ideas to put in it so yea thanks dudes.
School fuckin sucks major donkey dick its like we go and learn hella pointless ass shit most of the time, unless it is history cause then we are juss learning about stuff that has already happened, but thats in the past so i mean cant look on the past to much cause then you wont be thinkin bout tomarow and fall behind and not be ready for what is ahead.
Learn something new everyday, like EMO what in the fuck is that? well i found out today what it is, its all those emotional squares that like to sit in dark ass rooms and cry about there gay ass lives and complain twenty four seven about how everything is wrong with them, well hey sucks for them.... So that explains the concept of the word EMO....
Differences between Pleasures and Gratifications:
PLEASURES- A feeling of fullfillment for a short amount of time that will not last forever and does not take much, it is as easy of just thinkin about that special someone, eating the foods you like, playin the sports you love to play etc...
GRATIFICATIONS- A long lasting goal needed to be complete to get the pleasure which could last a life time trying to complete or do, like making it to the big leagues of your favorite sport, or completing your task in losing a certain amount of weight you wanted to lose, or marrying that special person you have loved for so long, gratifications take time but at the end it is all worth while.