Oct 31, 2005 13:15
Quick vent: Today so far has sucked balls. Really. Well, maybe not, we'll see. I shall now list the pros and cons of today. Then compare numbers, and decide if today was good.
-Had a hot shower. Which may not seem like a pro to you all, but on monday's it is. See, usually on Monday, by the time I get in the shower, the water is cold because EVERYONE IN THIS FUCKING BUILDING seems to want to shower when I do. So its not warm. But today, perfection.
-Got a paycheck. Actually two. Sum total of $351.11. Sweet.
-Stephanie is rediculous. I mean shes really out of her fucking mind. Apparently she wants to punch me in the face. WTF? Who does that? Honestly, grow up, take responsibility for what you've done and apologize. And then she lies and says that she'd tried apologizing and I blew her off. Excuse me, but did she ever knock on my door and be like, Hey Megan, can we talk? NO! I can't deal with these insane people. Really, it wasn't a big deal until she flew off the rocker and made up crazy shit and just went bonkers. Apparently she considered moving out. Hopefully she won't, because then we would have to buy a new fridge. Damn, that was bitchy of me.
-Went to Eliot this morning to print my paper. However, they ran out of printing paper. So I went to Lein and printed it out, though I didn't realize until I turned it in that it had printed on both sides. Not that it matters, but I HATE THAT. But I guess as long as my teachers ok with it, then it doesn't matter.
-Was going to lunch today and then I realized that I'd left my ID in the Lein computer room. I had to walk all the way back to Lein, which is relatively close compared to Wheeler, but still, its the principle of the thing! Then I had to wait for some freshman to let me in, and then bug some freshman to let me into the computer lab, and he was like, why should I let you in? And I was just like do I look like a fucking goddamn criminal?!?!? Let me in the fucking lab!!!! Except I really didn't say that. I was just like, uh, I left my ID in there.
-Its raining. I never enjoy the rain when I'm outside. I wore the wrong shoes and my feet were soaking wet and now, though I am wearing dry sweatpants and warm socks, they are stinging from the heat. I hate that feeling. When its soooo cold outside and you come in and your face hurts from the heat. And you're like, dude, body, make up your fucking mind about which you want!
However, things seem to be shaping up, as I am currently sitting on my warm bed in warm dry clothes and the window is open so I can hear the sound of the rain. Ah, beautius. And I just got a chat invite from the Fiore. Sweet. Yes, today is looking up for my plans are to stay warm and read my new book and study some physics. Though I do have to venture forth at about 6:30 for a lecture for arch. Bleh. However, I will probably shop online Old Navy for a bit too. Genius.
Ah so Bauhaus must be talked about. Well, not really. I mean, it was fun, but could have been better, I hate techno. But otherwise a fun time. Justin and David went as a firetruck. Pretty much was the most excellent costume ever. As soon as I get a picture I'll post it. Pretty much the greatest costume ever. I also saw my TA there. He was completely wasted. Excellent. Said an awkward hello. Plan to mock him for that.
Theres a new OC on thursday. I will miss it because of my physics test. Thats almost reason enough to ditch my physics test. JUST KIDDING!
Still haven't sent my brother a birthday card. His birthday is the 2nd. I can't believe he'll be 18. That's way too old for my younger brother. lil' brudder!
Man, I love the Fiore and Macko. Conversations are always amazing with those two. Everyone needs a Jew in their life.
Today is Halloween. NICE. However, there are no festivities like there was in elementary school. Man, I never realized how good I had it back then. Like really, mom makes your lunch, pays for everything, you get to have a class party on Halloween, and then go trick-or-treating and eat yourself silly. Joyous. Now you just get wasted and spend the whole next day throwing up. What am I doing with my life?!?!?
I hate that it gets dark at 5 now. Its so depressing. And its getting cold. Also depressing. What is this winter season? Its useless I tell you!!!
How I hate having emotions.
Talked to my momma yesterday. She filled me in on all the at home drama. Rediculous. But I love talking to my mom. I miss being home, with my home friends. Don't get me wrong, I love it here, but sometimes I just wish I was still back in highschool, before I moved away, so I wouldn't feel so torn. I really feel like my being was ripped in half and I have that half that is at home, and the half that is here. Yuck. Guts.
Dude, all day today I've been finding fake cobwebs on me. Its because they were in Lein, for safe trick-or-treat, and I had ran into them on accident and gotton all like tangled up in it, so I felt like the biggest loser. Ah Halloween. How I love it. Also, my boston tea party memeber costume was awesome.
Might go visit the Fiore for spring break. It would cost $266.30 to get there, and back to LA. Perhaps I can steal some of my dad's free airfare for that. Muah ha ha ha. Or maybe just save the paycheck I got for it. Nah....
Ok I guess thats it. I <3 Online Shopping.