Feb 20, 2006 14:24
So I am currently in the Olin School of Business computer lab. And let me just say that the business school is pretty much rediculous. Like they have this nice hallway with all these flags and like this courtyard in the middle of the building with birds and stuff where people congregate outside and they have like a lounge area with a big screen TV with like computers and its pretty much all rediculous. I'm starting to see the irony that the architecture students work/live in the shittiest building on campus. WHATEVER. I mean, our computer lab is in a fucking trailer. Gotta love it. What I don't love, however, is that my studio teachers let me out 10 MIN LATE!!! ok, class is supposed to end at 12, I have a class that starts at 12. I NEED TO LEAVE AT 12!! Thank GOD for Bill though, my section teacher, who realizes that people DO, IN FACT, have class at noon. The other section teachers were like, I need 5 more minutes with my group. So I would have been SUPER late to Italian. However, I didn't get reviewed today. Huzzah. I really want to just get this damn project over with, but oh wells.
So far today I have drunk 32 oz of coffee. AAAAAAAhhhh... I'm such an addict. I'm also an SVU addict. So, I've decided to add pre-law onto my list of majors. Which is ok, because you don't have to do ANYTHING for pre-law, except well, take the LSATS. Which I think I could manage. So I could totally be Stabler. SUH-WEET!
Man, that coffee is wearing off... getting low on energy... maybe its just this relaxing pre-scho- I mean - B-school atmosphere.