Because I'm curious.
Tell me what you think of my characters. What am I doing wrong? What am I doing right? What is something you wish I would do with them? Tell me what ever you want for as many or as few as you want.
I play:
Fleur Delacour Weasley,
leplusbeauTouga Kiryuu,
_bloodyroseSailor Venus/Minako Aino,
_venus_de_miloPiotr "Peter" Rasputin/Colossus,
steelartisanLeonardo the Ninja Turtle,
ginsu_master Be anonymous if you want! Comments are screened, IP logging is off. Be honest, no one will know but you and me. And hey, if you want to shout your feelings to the roof tops, say in the comment. I'll unscreen it. :) Whatever makes ya happy, dears.