Jan 30, 2012 13:21
When I posted about my classes I’m taking, I mentioned my statistics class, and how it was awful. Well, I realized just how awful it was the other night.
We’re allowed to work in groups on the homework for my statistics class, so I introduced myself to two of the guys I sat next to, and we arranged a day to work on the homework. I get to the math library (I feel nerdy just typing those words) and realize that the guys are arguing about minute details of the assignment that I didn’t understand. I didn’t even understand the basics of the assignment. I started crying. By the way, guys who don’t know you LOVE when you burst into tears, ladies, give it a try.
Well, at this moment I realized there was no way I could pass the class. I realized this while the guys were showing me how statistically likely it was for me to get the “B” I needed in the class. So, I emailed my advisor, she emailed the graduate secretary, and I was able to get permission to drop the class and take another class, that I’d actually wanted to take, instead. It stinks moving into a class 3 weeks into the semester, but it’s applicable to my interests and it’s not statistics. It’s applied anthropology. My advisor is upset that I didn’t take any statistics while at this university, but I think having taken two classes in statistics before arriving should even things out.
Moral of the story? If shit’s not working, do something else. Please note that this is also my philosophy for relationships. Another good time to quit is when you’re a runner, you injure yourself, and cannot run. At that point, STOP. I was going to try to run again today but realized while limping across campus that my knee still hurts, so instead of making it worse, I’m going to be a couch potato today.