Nov 09, 2004 10:52
So, last night I went to WhiskyFest NY, organized by Malt Advocate magazine. It was a fantastic two hours surrounded by about 4 hours of missed taxis, late trains, late subways and general travel hell.
So leaving off the travel hell, it was a fantastic experience. I must have tasted at least 50 different whiskys, and even the food was good, when I took time out from tasting whisky to eat some of it. I had some amazing conversations with various people in the whisky industry, and learned a lot about what the people involved are really like. It's definitely the sort of setting that offers the most benefit to buyers, since it exposes them to a vast number of whiskys of all types as well as to the distributers who can sell them wholesale stocks of whisky. For people like me, who don't work for any kind of liqour selling establishment it helped me learn a lot more about different whiskys that I liked, and gave me a chance to talk to some of the people who make my favorite whiskys. Also, there were some cool giveaways, including some sample bottles, and a hat from the distillers of The Macallan. All in all, a great night, If the Shuttle had been running on time and I'd been able to catch my first train then it would have been perfect. I miss that extra hour of sleep/edd time. Damn you MTA for robbing me of that!!!