My mother just bought me this pair of black pants that are pretty much a hakama, except the material is thinner (it's 35+ deg. Celsius here, thank fuck for this). I wore them today for the first time, and I wore them with my Bleach captain haori tshirt! I was BAMF seriously. Sorry no pictures, I forgot to bring my phone like the forgetful person I am.
I've never worn anything like this before and I said I'd let people know how wearing a hakama goes, so here are some things I learned.
This is a hakama, by the way:
Things NOT to do in a hakama:
1. Wear flip flops. Gets caught in between foot and slipper and next thing you know you will faceplant (I didn't but it was close). Maybe if it was geta (wooden sandals) it might work out. Maybe this is why Urahara wears them. Must get me some.
2. Run, unless hakama is hitched up or short enough. You will trip over the excess material and faceplant.
3. Go into a wet toilet. Hakama trailing in piss/water/godknowswhatOMGGROSSACK = DNW.
Things you SHOULD do in a hakama:
1. Do the Hammer dance. Hakamas are perfect for this, baggy as they are. I did this after class. It was so much win.
2. Twirl. It's also fun. Especially to Bollywood.
3. Practice roundhouse kicking.
4. Anything that allows freedom of movement, really.