Apr 07, 2008 13:38
Hear ye, hear ye, in light of my suspension* from school, office hours are temporarily expanded from 9am-12pm and 1pm-3pm until Thursday. Take advantage while you can.
*There was an anti-choice rally in front of the school this morning, and while some airheads were dancing around on the other side of the lawn with "My Body, My Choice" regurgitated tripe I went over to the dudes in red sashes reading from the Bible and suggested they offer incentive for picking their course of action, rather than simply eliminating all other options. I guess they live in happy funtime world where it's actually possible to end abortion just by making it illegal, though, and also they all had dicks so kind of not surprised they couldn't get their heads around how, even aside from all emotional considerations, having this thing kickin' it Aliens-like in your stomach for nine months might be kind of rough. Add rape to that mix and the idea of birthing an element eternally tied to your profound and never-entirely-healable violation and even if you give the kid away you still have it there, with you, for nine months, making you puke though you probably already felt like doing it anyway - not that they got that, either, the whole receiving end of victimization thing. This would've been a way better talk if there were some chicks there. and you know what I'll just spare you the details.
But FYI the word "vagina" is obscene. At least that's what the school is saying I'm suspended for.