Jan 03, 2009 17:02
Happy New Year, true believers.
Via the ancient powers of magic I will be arriving in DC on Monday afternoon. This demonstrates that my long tradition of "plans that are the best oh wait not actually" is alive and well in 2009. I do manage to successfully avoid other wizards flinging themselves post-holidaysically through the aether. On the other hand, I arrive at the aetheric hub with heavy bags while everyone is at work. And after traversing the kingdoms of the molemen out to Takoma, I will pray to all the gods that the key I pried from the depths of my sock drawer is the right one. Good times!
I leave via Dulles on Saturday next, at around 12:40pm. Anyone who is kind enough to drive me there will receive a meal's worth of food in exchange (expertly prepared by the restaurateurs of DC), plus some cash for gas, plus any additional reimbursements determined during contract negotiations.
Now that those logistics are out of the way, fun stuff. I'm not in for long, but I will try and see as many people as possible. Several people have called dibs. They have dibs. Let me know if you are not a 9-5 person, because then I can see you during the day while responsible people are working. If nothing else, I'm going to try for some kind of late birthday dealy on Friday night so people don't have to go sleep for work in the middle of it.
Speaking of this birthday dealy - would people be interested in trying another Shakespeare drinking game night? I've learned some things from the last two and all the reading groups that I've done in grad school. Namely, 1) no long plays, 2) preferably comedies, 3) have people switch roles scene to scene so everyone gets to participate. I think the play under consideration would be Twelfth Night. The alternative is some kind of drinks thing, and after the way Othello went, I wouldn't blame anyone for not wanting to chance the Bard. Oh, also, the Shakes reading is also dependent on a donated location, since I don't have a home to invite people to to which I may invite people.
The Update Bit
Things are going well in school. I'm currently working on my MLitt thesis, involving a paper and an edition of R+J. I'm presenting my project on Feb 15th, and appearing in a play on the 15th and 16th (Beaumont & Fletcher's Night of the Burning Pestle). I get to yell at children. I'd say you should come, but seriously, it's Sunday and Monday night. Not really convenient for anybody. Also, I cannot guarantee that my presentation will not be boring. The play will be funny. Oh, and as long as I don't bomb my thesis I'm already accepted to teh MFA program. Word.
Mentally am doing pretty well. Physically, better than in a long time. The thing I hate most about 2009 is that I HAVE LOST ZERO POUNDS THIS YEAR. School (also cold) managed to keep me away from the gym the last half of the semester, but I have kept off everything I lost, so go me. Sustainable improvements = please yes. And hopefully more to come.
I am down two pets. Max was put to sleep in November. His back legs basically were disconnected, and he kept falling down. Then he would look at you like, "Why did you push me over? That's a dumb game." No pain until right before the end, though, which was good. My mom doesn't have his ashes back yet, and I choose to believe that this means, somehow, that he escaped postmortem and is making a voodoo priestess somewhere a wonderful pet.
Delirium, one of my rats, has also died. We think that she died just to spite me, since I've been very good at keeping her from biting me. Lately. It was a little weird because she was the active and healthy one. Lauren has been taking Door to the vet for me while I'm gone in order to avoid similar occurrences. I don't think I'm going to be getting another pair right away. In another year and a half, when I'm settled somewhere with job or PhD program, I'll break out the cages again. I'll just have to spend more time with Door in the meantime to keep her from being lonely. Not like she was playing with Delirium anyway - I had to separate them because Delirium kept attacking her. What I'm trying to say is, while I'm a little upset because she was a living creature, good riddance. Me and Door never bit her.
Excelsior, bitches.