Jun 04, 2009 18:14
So an alien has laid eggs in my ear right, and I had to get an ultrasound on my neck. I went to the Campbelltown hospital and there was this fat man wearing a face mask made from underwear, I swear, I lold. Then this little azn man was like come this way, and was like super polite and made sure I didn't get lube all over my face. Then he saw a huge black mass on the screen and was like "eeerrr I'm going to get help because I'm new" whatevs, then this bitch comes in and is splashing lube all over my neck and is like "pffff it's nothing, you can go now". I felt like I was the victim of a nasty bukkake attack, so I took all the tissues from the room that are used by the preggos for teh cryins. End.