hey guys

Mar 07, 2005 11:10

alright had a good time this weekend exept for friday and I am curious as to direction of some of your livejournals I STILL CONSIDER EVERYONE MY FRIEND. eventhough some of you are willing to throw us away at the first sign of trouble. what ever happened top talking out your problems. here I will take my usuall roles and start.

my main problem is. Alex not because he stole lyndsay but because I dont like the way he acts he does things that a friend of mine would do. also I am also sick of the way you guys expect for us to call you when I know for a fact you have are phone numbers. also i am curious as to why you guys think that people who are at a campsite that you dont know are supposed to be friendly tro the ONE person there FRIEND randall dosent like. and you know its not like we all just sit around the campfire and talk shit about you guys. all that we do is sit around a nice hot fire andf talk about how this weekend was or how this person is or what is this person up to, or we just sit there and stare at the fire. there are my problems and wow i fell aqlot better now you try.
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