Grey's Anatomy 3x22 and 3x23 (Private Practice)

May 05, 2007 22:08

I just had to get on here to vent about how much that Grey's Anatomy spin-off episode sucked.

The Grey's Anatomy parts were OK - just, you know, George and Izzie should get over each other already (and yes, George, just fucking transfer!), and Meredith and Derek need to be more supportive to each another, and Burke and Cristina need to go for a simple ceremony.

But those Private Practice parts! Oh my God did they SUCK ASS. It's like they decided to just cast the most beautiful people they could find, and then have them obsess about sex - kind of like a porn movie without the actual porn. I had NO emotional attachment to any of the new characters they introduced, because they were just so shallow. Really really shallow. The guys want to get laid, and the women sort of whine and check out shirtless guys. Even Addison, who I totally loved in GA, was turned into a dumb bimbo - like how she made that aphrodisiac-comment in the elevator to a goddamn total stranger. Oh and since they're working in a fertility clinic, apparently every storyline will OF COURSE involve - you guessed it - sex... and lots of fake crying.


grey's anatomy, television

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