It's Sunday, Sunday, got get down on Sunday.

May 08, 2011 17:25

So, it's yet another Sunday posting. Not too much going on. I've been spending money like crazy lately it seems, for my trip to NYC. I had to buy luggage for the first time and I've been buying some new spring clothes, which, weren't required but I wanted anyway. Not going to like my Visa bill this month. On the other hand, I am crazy excited for NYC! poinsley went and saw Dan Rad's play and enjoyed it so that makes me thrilled even more. Cannot wait to see him on stage! And I'll be meeting so many awesome people in NYC. :D It's like a dream. A good one, with ice cream.

Work is going well, gearing up for summer, which is my least favorite time of year for many reasons. Heat, heat, and more heat here in Colorado but also because the library gets crazy busy and I get sick of all the kids. Come August I need a vacation but, that won't be happening probably.

How awesome was last week's episode??? Seriously, so amazing. It could have been a freaking finale so I have no idea how they are going to top it but somehow, I think the show will be up to the challenge.

I knew Elijah would not be able to kill Klaus. Oh man, I love you Elijah but you let my guys down big time.

And Damon... oh man.

Jenna... well, I honestly wasn't too attached to her so her death wasn't anything big for me. It was harder seeing Elena and Jeremy being sad about it but eh, Jenna as a whole was rather bland and boring to me.

How hot did Jeremy look in that suit????????? SO HOT!

So basically I'm going to be uber sad for a summer without Vampire Diaries. Somehow I don't think True Blood is going to fill the gap because they don't use Eric enough and I'm used to pretty constant eye candy and good show on Vampire Diaries. I am however excited for summer tv hiatus because I want to catch up on some shows and just not worry about having to catch my shows on time I guess.

Also, did you know next cycle of ANTM is FINALLY going to be an all-star cycle?? Do you know how happy I am about that??? SO.

This weekend was my high school class ten year reunion. How insane is that that I've been out of high school for ten years?? Oh man, it's weird. I obviously didn't go but even if I had been in MN, I still wouldn't have gone. I have no desire to see most of those people and I don't really understand people who anticipate their high school reunions. They tend to be the popular people back in high school who I guess still have that need to show off.

So as you can tell, my life is rather boring, lol. I've been doing lots of reading, working out, and walking to get ready for NYC, and of course, TV. It's my addiction. I hope you are all having amazing weekends and a good Monday ahead of you.

tv, weekends, vampire diaries, new york city

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