I think last night was my favorite BBT episode so far. Um, Sheldon so close to a super villain. The "And may I add, Mwah ha ha." just killed me.
Klingon Boggle. Oh man. And AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL models were actually in the episode. What a way to make my shows collide.
As for HIMYM, it was a good episode. Not my favorite ever but kind of eye-opening on the baby front for Marshall and Lily. And they are still so cute together.
Also, Robin being scared by talking baby commercials, man I can sympathize. Sometimes those talking babies are creepy.
Also, the cheerleader effect actually has a ring of truth to it I think.
And there you go. I still need to watch Gossip Girl and I kind of half-watched Heroes, but I didn't pay too much attention frankly. I think I'm done with that show. It's sad to see it go but not that sad really. I don't even miss watching it.
And, that's about it with me. This will be my first Tuesday working in months. Even as I increased my hours at my job I always still had Tuesdays off. It's going to be so odd to be working today I think.
I've started uploading Christmas icons but the pickings are slim so far. Not many people seem to be making Christmas icons yet which I don't get. Come on people, get with the holiday program!
On that note, hope you're all having a great Tuesday!