So say we all.

May 27, 2008 15:09

Oh man, season three so far has been so bleak. Seriously, New Caprica is kind of like hell, isn't it? And wow, the rounding up of humans and detaining them... um, how terrible to real life is that? I feel so bad for them all really, it's quite awful.

And Kara. Holy cow. Stuck with Leoben. And with a baby, which I am suspecting is NOT hers, but I haven't seen past 3x03 so don't spoil it for me please.

This season seems so sad and depressing so far. Very good! I mean, I'm hooked, but in comparison to life on the fleet, where there was some semblance of hope, life on New Caprica seems devoid of that.

And I don't know how Sharon is going to react when she finds out Adama lied about the baby. For real, she is going to freak.

But yeah, that's what I've been doing in my "spare" time.

All I can say is thank goodness for these episodes and how easy it is to convert them to my iPod. I haven't been able to get my hands on the DVD set yet but I like to watch the show when I work out, so I've just been able to convert them to iPod format and voila, I can watch them while on the elliptical. It's been great.

So, Memorial Day weekend. All I did was homework. It was the most uninspiring weekend ever, but... I just keep telling myself, it will be done soon. Soon, soon. I know I'm on the downhill slide with classes but I feel like it's taking forever to finish. It's actually kind of depressing, hence why I haven't posted much lately. I've just been feeling blah. However, in happier thoughts, I've started to make some plans of what I want to do this summer once I'm done with school. The list so far includes.

1. Complete Harry Potter re-read, starting at the end of June so hopefully I'll be starting book 7 on July 21 of this year, the date when it was released last year.
2. Seriously find some healthier recipes to experiment with. I figure once I have a bit more time on my hands, I can do this better.
3. Read, read, and read!
4. Work on my resume and get it polished up a lot.
5. Have fun with whatever I'm doing and try to be stress free as much as possible!

And... that's all I've got so far, but it's a start. They are good goals in my mind anyway.

I did manage to have some minor fun yesterday. My mom and I went grocery shopping (which I love to do, so fun for me!), and then we went to a big greenhouse by my house and bought all kinds of plants. Now, I don't actually like gardening mind you. I'm not a dirt person. BUT... I love looking at all the varieties of flowers and seeing what they look like. That is fun to me. And then we had grilled hamburgers and had homemade potato salad for dinner, so that was also a very good thing. But the very best part of the weekend... finding Twins Chocolate Malt ice cream! This stuff is the best ever. And I know ice cream is so fattening for me and it's not going to help my stress eating but oh man, you guys, I discovered this stuff last summer, and they only sell it during baseball season, so I couldn't pass it up.

I don't have much else to say sadly. I had hoped to go see Prince Caspian this past weekend but it didn't work out. I had just a ton of reading for management and then I had to annotate all the articles I read, and then I had to read the textbook (during which I fell asleep twice. Coordinating is so not interesting.), and then today I had to write a user needs analysis for my internet class. It wasn't hard or anything, I just had to figure out what I wanted to say.

So yeah, I feel very mopey lately. I know I should be more excited that I will be done soon, but until I'm actually DONE, I'm having a hard time feeling that excitement. Though, I did take off July 3rd so I could have a long fourth of July weekend to really enjoy. At that point, I won't have any homework so I can do whatever the heck I want and I'm going to enjoy EVERY FREAKING MINUTE OF IT!

(Are you sick of me complaining yet? I'm sorry about that.)

I didn't want this post to turn into a woe-is-me post, but it somehow did. So, I'll leave you with this happy thought: it's a short week! Tomorrow is already WEDNESDAY!

sad, tv, battlestar galactica, in a funk, grad school, holidays, helo the ipod

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