Um, I loved this episode. Well, it was just freaky beyond belief. Poor Starbuck. For real, that was just really freaky. I knew right away that that doctor was a cylon but still, it was just very creepy.
And the ending... with Starbuck and Anders? Yum.
I never know if I should hate the Cylons or not. Like, Sharon... I am so conflicted about her. And about Six. I don't know what to feel about them because at times they make valid points but then they get freaky like the doc in this episode, or that cylon um, can't think of his name, who was interrogated by Starbuck in S1. It's just a really interesting dichotomy I think.
And that's all I got.
It's so beautiful out right now. I'm wearing sandals and loving it, even if I do have to go to a cruddy MLIS government meeting tonight. Blah. All I can say is I best be home by the time HIMYM starts. Hope you all had a good Monday!