Ok, so here it is. My Christmas card post.
I want to send out Christmas cards! And I'll be honest, I do buy cards that say Merry Christmas on them cause that's what I celebrate however, if that will offend you please let me know.
So, things I need to know:
1. Your address! I don't care if you think I have, it give it to me again cause it'll be a lot easier for me to go to one post and find all these addresses.
2. Any ideas you have about cute things I could include in the cards. I wanted to include some tiny, cheap inexpensive gift, but I know food doesn't do well in the mail so sending cute holiday candies probably won't work too well. So if you have any ideas, please let me know.
3. Also, let me know if a Christmas card will offend you cause I'm going to buy 1 box of Holiday/non-denominational cards. I don't want to leave anyone out, but well, I really love the phrase "Merry Christmas" more than I love the generic "Happy Holidays." And it won't offend me if you tell me you'd prefer a "Happy Holidays" card. Not. At. All! So, do let me know.
And I think that's it. Comments ARE screened, but if you'd prefer to email me your address, you can do so at: riddikulus.sarah@gmail.com
ETA: Even if you aren't mailing holiday cards out, I don't care, I still would like to mail YOU one. :) I love sending things out in the mail. So don't let that be a deterent.
ETA #2: As
fly_meaway reminded me, I WILL send overseas cards. I meant to include that information as well in my original post. No matter where you live, I will send you a card. Thanks Christina!