I wish more Harry Potter merchandise was geared towards the books rather than the movies.
I'm unable to find a 2007 HP Calendar that is based on the books and not the movies. I love the movies, I do, but I love the books even more, and I loved seeing Mary Grand Pre's artwork, all colored in and larger, in a calendar.
Instead, all there is is the ugly movie calendar. Nope, won't be buying that one, sorry HP.
Instead, I'm thinking about getting this calendar:
Dragons. It looks interesting. Haven't decided yet. I'm excited for more 2007 calendars to be released.
Yes, I do love calendars this much that I start talking about them when it is only the end of July 2006. I can't help it, choosing a caledar is fun!
In other news, hello to my new friends! (That'd be:
shibaiko and
upstairsbrain, you're the only person on my flist that begins with U, so in semagic, your name automatically shows up in my alphabetized list. Changing your username certainly gave you a letter advantage I think. :)
And how'd the weekend go by so darn fast?