First off, Happy Birthday
balalaika!! I hope it's been a good one to you.
Secondly, my back is freaking killing me. I think I slept on it wrong or something cause it hurts like hell. I'm not looking forward to 8 1/2 hours in a chair typing tonight. The one good thing though... it's pizza party day. I am excited for that.
Thirdly, I really don't have much to say. Not much going on. I've been working, searching for jobs for which to apply to (and let me tell you, there's not much out there for someone with English and History degrees.) Everything requres like 3-5 years of experience in a field which I don't have and which I'll never have if I can't get a job in it to begin with. It's quite frustrating but the thing is, any job I get now wouldn't be permanent really anyway cause obviously I'm going to be a librarian, I just don't have the training required for that yet. So it's like I'm looking halfheartedly but yet I know I do need a job cause I have bills to pay. I thought about applying at Barnes and Noble but they pay $6.75 an hour and I'm sorry, but I'm a college grad. I deserve more than that. I'm trying not to worry about it because I think when the time is right, something will come along. As it is, I'm enjoying a bit of free time.
Work right now is going well though. It's not fun but it's easy and I've listened to some interesting books. Right now, I'm listening to Sweet Hush by Deborah Smith. It's about this lady who grows apples and then her son marries the president's daughter and her life gets thrown out of wack and yeah, it doesn't sound plausible at all, but it makes for entertaining listening.
Saturday I'm having my graduation party. oh joy. Relatives. But hopefully (and I know this sounds bad), they'll give me money which I can then use and save and all that wacky fun.
I've also been cleaning like crazy in preparation for my mom's garage sale. That's been a blast too, let me tell you, lol. But I have cleared up a lot of junk and stuff I don't need anymore and my room is starting to look decent again so I guess I am happy about that.
And really that's it. That's all I've been up to since graduating school. Last weekend I went and saw Beauty and the Beast at a local high school and it was surprisingly a lot of fun. I also celebrated Mother's Day with my mom which turned out nice too.
And really that's it. Been keeping up with tv. I don't really want to write my thoughts but I've told many of you some of my opinions.
I'm so boring aren't I? Sheesh, no wonder I haven't updated in awhile.