Log: Payback's a Splash

Mar 08, 2008 19:45

RL: March 8, 2008.
VR: Day 31, month 7, Turn 15, of the Interval.
(Log after I have to vanish from Lujayn)

Jaeni pays Leova back. Aleudre gives practical advice. Niena is beat. Lujayn gets to sweep stone instead of just plain dirt. They also talk about chores and the latest firelizard clutch. There is klah.

Garden Patio Ledge
This ledge is a good size, allowing two large dragons on it at the most, however the furniture and decorations do very little to allow dragons to land. The stone has, through time, become smooth with the sting of High Reaches' biting winter winds. Lacking are the telling talon marks of an occupant at any time within the past decade and the ledge has been weeded and cleared of greenery. Situated along the western bowl, this ledge offers a view of the lake in the distance and has a set of wide steps curving along the bowl wall to the ground.
A stone half-arc shelters half of the ledge from the extreme weathers, where a iron-wrought bench and two patio-like tables have been set up. Little niches, carved out of the stone in a rustic fashion hold glow baskets to provide light at night. The very edge has been decorated with wooden boxes of potted flowers that blossom beautifully in the spring and summer.
The morning is clear, and the sun shines with a few small clouds floating past.
A light wind blows and the summer air is pleasantly warm.

It has fallen into the pattern of a typical Reachian summer morning, the sun having just finished its ascent over the mountains and is casting down a modicum of light - but not strong enough to cut the nip in the air from the light wind that's breezing through the Weyr. The patio is a pleasant spot to relax on such a fine morning and Aleudre is relaxing on one of the wrought iron benches. One leg is kicked up and stretched out over the bench while an arm is tossed behind to aid in his reclining. A steaming cup of klah is in his hands, most likely taken from the pitcher that is on the table nearby. His two fire lizards are draped around him, each sunning with the contentment of their kind.

No glows to change here, this early in the day, though arguments could be made about dimglows. Leova's taking a briefer breather, leaning against the entry from the Snowasis with a mug held close to her, silent ever since she got here.

Jaeni is slipping out of the Snowasis, quitely and the only one of the three without something to drink. In the distance she sees Aleudre, but it's Leova right in front of her that gets the younger girl's attention. A devious smile slips onto her face, and she sneaks up closer and closer until she's right behind the other. Getting quite close to her ear, she says in conversational tones "Boo." and then backs quickly away a foot or so.

Aleudre had been enjoying his solitude and so Leova's appearance on the patio goes unnoticed by the man. His brown fire lizard lifts his head from his position on Aleudre's shoulder and peeps in the girls direction once Jaeni comes out. Turning his head around, Aleudre eyes the pair of them with a lifted brow and a grin. "You missed the sunrise. It was gorgeous." Quite a surprise, that one so 'lazy' might find joy in waking up early. Even so, he doesn't look dressed for a chore day in one of his nicer outfits that are more suitable to the colder weather here. "Don't hover by the door, grab a seat and relax."

Turnabout is fair play, right? Right? Leova must really have been lost in her own thoughts, because she gives Jaeni what's probably a much more gratifying reaction with her sudden yelp, her losing control of her mug, her sudden curse. The mug doesn't fall to the ground, but all of a sudden Leova's pulling a hot damp brown used-to-be-white tunic away from her chest. Looking back behind her, "Jaeni!"

Jaeni eeps, even though she's the one who did the scaring. "Oh, I'm really sorry Leova! I didn't mean to make you dump that all over! Look her, I've got this cloth. It's a little gross, I was sort of using it wipe my hands after killing the 'snakes. But it should be okay!" The blonde pulls a dirty cloth out of her back pocket and offers it to her. She blinks in surprise at Aleudre, "I'm surprised you're awake! Do you have a cloth, a clean one?"

Aleudre was in the process of sipping his klah when Jaeni's ploy went faulty and it leaves the man gasping and coughing after a chuckle turned into the inhalation of the hot beverage. Eyes water, he shakes his head and then rises once he's composed himself enough. Klah is set safely on the table to be guarded by his green fire lizard. He reaches into his back pocket and produces a clean looking cloth. "C'mere, Leova. We'll just dab that off with a little cold water and it should come out no problem." He moves to the water pitcher opposite the klah and dips the cloth in before gesturing at the girl to come closer. To Jaeni: "With that cloth, you almost look as frightening as Igoro." Grin.

Leova may be unconcerned about her clothes generally, and she may be unhappy now, but she does have her limits. She absolutely does not take the tunnelsnake-wiped cloth. And though she does walk toward Aleudre and his clean cloth, her steps are reluctant, dragging. But then, he is a tailor. Still: "Why don't you let me do the dabbing," she more tells than asks him. It's her tunic, after all.

"You! I do not look as frightening as Igoro. He'd have the guts and juices all over him and you know it. I was just trying to keep my hands and clean.. and.." Here Jaeni falters, looking all apologetic as she looks over to Leova's klah-covered shirt. "Yeah! Let the woman wipe her own chest off. Sheesh." She huffs, stuffing her hands into the pockets of the light jacket she's wearing.

Aleudre blinks at Jaeni. "I'm not a molestor, I'll have you know. I wasn't about to wipe her chest off myself!" Defensively, he jabs the cloth Leova's way. "Dab, don't scrub it in. Otherwise it'll make it worse." He shakes his head and rolls his eyes at Jaeni. "Honestly, you -almost- look as bad as he does at the end of the day! I got lucky I got pulled off chores with you two for today. When the Weyrwoman hollers for me, I must go to work." He grins, looking quite pleased. "And even then it's an easy enough day."

"And he'd smell worse too," Leova says, setting down her mug and grabbing the cloth before she can be jabbed some more. "Dab. Scrub. What's the difference?" She presses cloth to tunic awkwardly, one hand holding each, and although all the stain may not be transferring, at least it's no longer so hot. "Weyrwoman errands. Lucky you."

Jaeni stares at Aleudre, and it's a long stare. An angry stare. If she had lasers, they would be coming out of her eyes. "I do /not/ look anything remotely like Igoro at any time of the day. Ever. But thanks." The eyes are narrowed and she further stuffs her hands into her pocket. "Yeah, lucky you. What are you doing today, Leova?"

"The difference is you don't rub it into the fibers of the material and spread it," Aleudre answers Leova with a shrug. "But you can handle it however you want. It -is- your tunic, as you said." Jaeni gets a look, a wide-eyed, innocent one with a complimentary smile to go with it. "Can't you take a tease? And besides, I'll tell him to leave you alone. He globbers every time he sees you. It's sickeningly sweet." He shakes his head and walks back towards his bench to reseat himself and grab his klah.

When Leova does look up, she's frozen by that stare of Jaeni's, and she's not even the target. But then she begins to smile. A slow smile. A very definite smile. She presses the cloth a few more times, just pressing, taking his advice and not rubbing. "Glows. Did lots of the lower caverns, Snowasis." And here they are. "Suppose it's not worth changing, until later anyway. Get many snakes?"

"No, not when the tease is mean!" Jaeni calls after Aleudre as she walks away. She makes a huffing noise and glances towards the other girl. "Anyway, yeah. I like glow changing duty, it's quite. Clean. You don't have to get all filthy, unlike the firestone sacking and the hearth cleaning. Or pen clean-up." She wrinkles her nose, eyes watching as the tailor walks off. "Yeah, I got plenty of snakes. I was deep in the storage caverns this morning. It's kind of gross."

Aleudre he's not too far away not to still hold a conversation with the girls. "Did you see Niena whack that one 'snake when we were clearing out Stores?" He shakes his head. "I never thought I'd see her do something so... disgustingly accurate." His klah is sipped from and he keeps his body angled to look over the back of the bench at the two of them. "I think that all the chores are horrible, but that's just me." He looks at Jaeni with a devious little smile. "But I'm doing better at them after our talk, aren't I Jaeni?" Wink.

Next time I see Igoro tagging after you, I'll get in the way," Leova says flatly. "Unless you want to try ignoring him? Right about the quiet. Though I'd rather be outside." She shakes her head, too. Niena. Whacking. About the tunnelsnakes, "You heard, the eggs hatched? The ones in the main cavern?" Not like the little mouths shrilling at oh-dark-early in the candidate barracks were easy to mistake.

She makes a face, wrinkling her nose. "I'd like to forget about that. It was really sort of creepy, I didn't think that Niena had it in her." Jaeni laughs a little and then shakes her head. "No, I don't think so. Then he'd be trailing after you, I don't wish Igoro on anyone. Well not really anyway." As per the firelizards, there's roll of her eyes. "Yeah, they woke me up this morning. Way before I had to be up. Who's got them, anyway?" She asks curiously before blinking at Aleudre. Then she 'oh yeahs'. "Right, Aleudre is just doing super at his chores. He actually cleaned some pots yesterday in a reasonable amount of time."

Leova takes Jaeni's word for it, though she does say, "Change your mind, let me know." She stops blotting to look at her shirt, and the cloth, before shrugging and continuing a little longer. "Who got them? Rhonda said Niena, Laylia, some people not from here, that stablehand I forget his name. Carisandra. First two, going to have eggs later on... wish I had one of those." Giving up on her tunic, and laying the cloth onto the nearest table with a glance at the tailor, "Suppose you don't want this one back either. But Jaeni? You just have to tell me what you told him."

"Yeah, I only heard it a little bit before I fell back asleep. Girl and Boy went to peep on the show," Aleudre answers Jaeni with a grin. "But that's how these 'lizards are, super friendly. I hear that sometimes they trill at the dragon hatchings too. Not sure about that though." He finishes his klah and then sets it on the table beside his green fire lizards. "I got mine at Fort. Wouldn't want anymore."

"It's a secret, if I tell anyone, Aleudre will transform back into being lazy again." Jaeni says, quirking a peculiar grin in the direction of the older boy. "Oh yeah. I heard they make noise at those, too. They're all rather pretty vocal. I guess I kind of wish I had impressed one, but then I'd have to feed it and stuff. It'd be too much responsibility on top of all the other stuff that we have to do."

Leova rolls her eyes at Jaeni, but allows, "Couldn't have that, all right." A sidelong look at Aleudre, "Lazier. Your two, they from the same hatching? I don't know about the work, heard they grow up pretty fast. Faster than... well, faster than runners even." She holds out the front of her tunic: less stained now, still wet, she waves it up and down to help it dry.

Niena wanders in, bearing out Jaeni's theory of firelizard feeding, her eyes bleary and with a death grip on the klah mug. Seeing the others she starts over, then asks Jaeni and Leova "Room for me?"

Aleudre grins at Jaeni. "Remember when I first got m'two lugs? I tried to get you take one. Didn't work out as well as I wanted. As far as feeding goes? Once they figure out you don't feed them all that much, they do go and hunt for themselves. 'least mine do." He smiles at Niena as she walks in, "Hi Niena. You look beat."

"Yeah, but don't you have to train them? I heard they could run amok if you didn't. I don't need and 'lizards running amok in my things." Jaeni says and rolls her eyes at Aleudre. "Yes, you tried to give me Girl. And I tried to get you to name her Mille. Neither one of us has plans that worked out." She smirks and starts to unbotton her jacket. "It's getting warm out- Oh, hey Niena. They keeping you awake?"

Leova turns, and what had been a quick glance at Niena turns into a longer one. "Just don't fall on me. Here." She pushes out a chair by them, watching to see the girl get settled in. "Mille? Like Millie? Thought you just said that was back at Fort."

Niena sits down, smiling gratefully, and nods at Aleudre. To Jaeni she says, "This little one certainly is." She indicates Cheri, asleep and taking up the hollow in her non-klah-mug arm. "How long until they can hunt for themselves?"

"Yep, like Millie! Aleudre knows what I'm talking about." Jaeni and Leova are standing several feet away from where the former tailor and Niena are sitting in chairs. The blonde looks dirty and Leova has a stained shirt. They all seem to be quietly talking and gossping for now. "I have no idea. She thinks they seem to grow pretty fast."

Leova looks over her shoulder. Frowns. "Better go do the last ones. Before someone trips." She leaves, stained tunic and all.

Niena nods, taking a gulp of her klah as if her life depended upon it. "I hope so, though I wouldn't give her up for the world now. If impressing a dragon is anything like this, I really hope I do."

Lujayn is coming up the stairs quite slowly, pausing on each step. As she gets closer, it can be seen she has a broom in her hands. "Hi everyone," Lu calls as soon as she's near enough to hear conversation, vigorously chasing dirt from the stair. The girl takes another step up, broom flashing from side to side. "Did you all get a chance to see the firelizards last night?" She grins, waving to those departing.

Jaeni blinks in surprise when Leova leaves, she waves a little to the departing girl. "Oh, okay. Bye! Good luck with like, your stain and stuff!" She shrugs and turns back to Niena. "I think you'd have a hard time doing that. Don't they sort of fall in love with you or something?" She asks, canting her head and looking down at the little 'lizard. "Hello!" She calls back to Lujayn when she arrives, "No, I didn't see them last night. Did you?"

Niena nods and smiles fondly. "And a good thing they're so cute, too, or they might never survive those first few days." She also says, rather unnecessarily, "I did."

Lujayn moves to the next step as she sweeps, a scattering of dirt and dust falling to the bowl below. "Someone mentioned you found a little green," She eyes the snoozing babe appraisingly, a warm smile on her face. "I had a view from the dinner table, but didn't see very much. It was so crowded." Lu laughs softly. "Yeah, they're all sorts of smitten once they get their claws in you."

"They are lucky, they wake everyone up in the morning with their creels. If they weren't cute like you said, they'd be in an awful lot of trouble." Jaeni agrees, pulling her jacket off finally. "Do you have to feed her a whole lot of scraps anything? And I mean, I hear that the dragonets eat a ton of food. That the weyrlings have to feed them forever until they learn to hunt."

Niena nods. "I can't believe how much she can stuff into that little mouth of hers." She stifles a yawn and then finishes the rest of her klah in a single gulp. "I may just take a nap before my next set of chores. The klah isn't helping."

Lujayn has reached the top of the stairs, but instead of sitting down for a rest she begins to sweep the patio ledge free of tracked-in dirt. "Weyrlings are up all hours, too," She notes, angling in between the flower boxes to chase away debris. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think they wanted us to practice on firelizards first." Lu jokes as she works, nodding to herself. "How many other candidates got one? I swear, it sounded like the entire barracks was full of them this morning."

Jaeni laughs, "Yeah, you'd think that. Almost seemed a little planned." The blonde giggles and then glances behind her. A small sigh escapes her lips, "I better be going. There's still more snakes to kill in the cavernss." A rollf of her eyes and the candidate is off, tromping her way down the stairs and into the bowl.

Niena stifles another yawn. "Laylia, Risa, me... That's all I can remember right now. I'd better go take that nap before I fall alseep on the patio."

Lujayn straightens to watch the two depart, looking down at her sweeping as if it's the chore's fault for making all her friends go away. Attacking clods of dislodged soil with vehemence, she sweeps vigorously in the new silence.

niena, jaeni, lujayn, *candidate, aleudre, @hrw

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