Log: Kaylith, Maiden of the Air

Mar 03, 2008 20:49

RL: March 3, 2008
VR: Day 6, month 7, Turn 15, of the Interval. It is a summer morning.
(Original log from Shanlee and from her POV)

Leova and Aleudre get taken to HRH to provide alibis for Shanlee. At least, that's what Shanlee says. But if it were a real alibi, would she tell them? But what if she told them so they wouldn't think it was real? Stop asking questions and have some brandy.

Lake Shore, High Reaches Weyr (#565RIJas)
This shoreline marks the edge of the freshwater lake that fills the southeastern portion of the bowl. The gritty dirt of the bowl gives way to smooth sand. Dragons adore diving from high above into the lake's deep center, often imploring to their lifemates to bathe them with sweetsand. Humans and firelizards alike frequently fish from these clear waters, which are abundantly stocked.
Across the lake, the bowl wall rises high into the sky, its face dotted with weyr entrances. A few dragonlengths above the water, glimpses of a level cliff can be seen amidst boulders lining the edge. Just south of here, a smaller pond of water is divided from the main lake by a natural bridge of land. A path leads across the bridge and up to the diving cliffs, winding through a dotting of small boulders on its way.
The morning is clear, and the sun shines with a few small clouds floating past. The air is calm, with no hint of breeze. The water's glasslike surface mirrors the cliff walls and sky above.

Leova sits on a boulder, her jacket tied around her waist, her face turned up to the sunshine. After a long morning of sacking firestone, she's changed from her sweaty, dirty clothes to a cleaner version of her usual garb, and started on her lunch. Earlier, she was ravenous. Now, she works on finishing off the filled bread in slow bites every now and again.

From above, a shadow fleetingly darkens the ground growing larger until shade becomes the form of a small emerald green dropping daintily to the ground. Slipping off her side comes a rider equally petite in form, that of the Weyrsecond. If she's striding toward Leova with determination its hopefully not seen as too intimidating for the candidate. Stopping abruptly before the slightly taller girl with a grin, "Morning Candidate. Fancy a trip out?" no introductions, no greetings. Just that, and that almost enigmatic grin that graces the redhead's visage. Well, there's that and the stretched out neck of Kaylith that draws her charming head ever closer in to the candidate.

When she realizes she's the target of that approach, Leova nearly loses her lunch. Luckily it's what she hasn't yet eaten rather than what she has, though, just a couple pieces of onion fallen from hand to lap, which she automatically picks up and hides in her hand. "Out. Weyrsecond? And..." She looks from the redhead to her marbled green too, it's hard not to, with the size of even such a petite dragon and all that energy. And coming so close. "Don't remember your dragon's name. Sorry. Hello." She stands up, popping the onion and the last of the stuffed bread into her mouth.

Amusement rifles next across fine features for Leova’s reaction to their admittedly sudden arrival, a slim hand waves about in the air as Shanlee nods, “Out.” Kaylith tries making herself smaller, although how much smaller a dragon can get once already having flattened herself to the ground is anyone’s guess. But she tries nonetheless as the little green inches forward slowly, snuffling at the ground as she slinks closer. Perhaps, just maybe there might have been an onion ring left unnoticed for her to sample. Green eyes roll, and a vaguely sheepish smile appears, “I don’t believe we’ve been formally introduced. Shanlee,” a hand to her chest, the other out to her lifemate, “And this joker is….” she quickly changes tack at a snort coming from the dragon, “Oh alright, fine. This maiden of the air….” turning to Kaylith to check her wording there, “Better?” back to Leova, “Is Kaylith.”

Aleudre strolls over from the eastern side of the bowl.

Leova repeats helplessly, "Maiden of the air. Kaylith." No doubt there's at least a crumb or two, though some of it might be pepper instead. "Shanlee." She gives the big green, small for greens but big for her, a sideways look. "She's like a very overgrown... is it all right to say... like a puppy? I mean, a fierce creature of the air? With wings?" That being the air part.

Oh dear! Inhaling of pepper never goes well for anyone, not even dragons. Muzzle to the ground, Kaylith had done just that and erupts into an almighty sneeze that lifts a cloud of dust about her. However. Once it clears, there is no trace of the goofball of before. Instead, in its place reposes a green dragon, drawn up into regal posture looking to be every inch the aerial combatant she’s known to be in ‘fall. Shanlee actually lays palm to forehead and groans quietly, but does an admirable job of ignoring her lifemate’s antics. Well, almost, “She’s the comedian in this duo. Now back to where we started. I have need of something over at the Hold and you’re going to help me get it,” grin.

Aleudre strides into the lake shore, looking much grimed and aggrieved. He comes upon the group just as Kaylith sneezes. It is a startling display - and his brows shoot up towards his hairline as he watches the transformation of sneeze to regal pose. Then, too, he hears Shanlee's comment to Leova. "How lucky of Leova to get away from the Weyr for a while," he states with a crooked smile as he moves to stand in front of them. His hands stuff into his pockets and he rocks back on his heels.

Even better than a Gather trickster's ta-da! Leova looks, if anything, more startled at Kaylith's transformation. But also relieved, at least once she's gotten some of that dust wiped off her face. "Right. All right. Does she do that much?" She shakes her head as she steps closer, but she's laughing. Until Aleudre speaks, and joins them. "What happened?" she breathes.

"Tailor! I'd heard they got you too. Guess that deal of ours is off then? Unless of course you want to join us...?" Shanlee leaves just enough pause there for Aleudre to slip into her net and join herself and Leova, "We're going to the Hold. Means a trip a dragonback?" tone turned sly and inviting. The Weyrsecond goes positively 'girly', twirling a lose strand of hair around a finger and all, or does she? For the expression she wears is one of outright cunning, "I still have need of your skills. If you're not having too much fun that is with cleaning our hearths and minding carpet crawlers?" Dropping the act for what it was worth, the petite greenrider turns next to Leova, responding with a chuckle, "Inhale dirt? Not usually," concerned and eyeing the female candidate, "She didn't. You know, gob on you or anything did she?" not that she makes any move to correct that should it be the case. Decisively, "C'mon. Time's a wasting. Either of you got a problem flying with Kaylith and I?"

Aleudre nods his head. "Yeah, they nabbed me too. It's what I get for comin' here from Igen. I figured I'd outlast the weather, but now I feel compelled to prove I can live through a Hatching too," Aleudre answers with an easy flippancy. Shanlee's cunning is met with a smirk. "Ah, yes. That deal! I've got the sketches completed and I was just waiting on your approval for fabric before I went about making it." He looks to the green, then the rider, then Leova with a shake of the head. "I wasn't going to take the deal for a dragonride. I want something... more." He looks back to Shanlee. "But we can discuss that at a later time, if you like? I'd still like to 'help' out on this little trip." He pulls out a bit of rag from his pocket and wipes at his face. "Anything to get me out of cleaning out the hearths." He winks at Leova.

Leova listens in about that deal, relaxing, enough that she can't help but smile back at that wink. "More firestone for me in the afternoon," she trades. "Wouldn't mind the hearths. Least, as long as there aren't any more crusty bony bits." For Shanlee, who says Kaylith's the comedian of the pair. "No. No gob." She shrugs on her jacket, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "This time. Let's go, already."

Kaylith sets aside all playfulness and dutifully holds out a forepaw. Shanlee swings up easily and settles between neckridges. Leaning down to offer Leova a hand up, she utters a low laugh in Aleudre's direction, "One thing you should learn about me tailor. I don't agree to anything without first knowing what's required of me first, aye?"

Aleudre watches as Shanlee swings up onto Kaylith's back with a brief smile. "All right. Well. I think it'd be really helpful if I could perhaps get a written statement from you, signed, showing that I am indeed a craftsman of fine quality work. With -that- and this ride, I'd say we're even." As Leova swings up onto the green, Aleudre looks down at himself and then back at the pair. "Let me just run and fetch a jacket, okay?" And he dashes off - yes, the lazy man actually runs. He's back rather quickly, too, and in his hands he holds sketches. "Brought these," he pants, out of breath as he looks up at the two. "I'm ready now."

Leova takes that hand up, all right. She's careful about it, though, mostly for balance and direction rather than to hold her weight, no matter how many firestone sacks Shanlee's used to tossing around. Once she's settled in behind the greenrider she looks around, down at the ground but also down at Kaylith's wings with a secret smile. She rocks a little, the equivalent of adjusting to the saddle. "Did you ride someone else's dragon before the... the mistress of the air found you? It's fun to imagine. Just a little." There's Aleudre again, though. She calls laughingly down to him, "Careful! Someone might see you can run!"

You climb up onto Kaylith's back, as the dragon rumbles softly.

Leova climbs up onto Kaylith's back, using her straps as handholds.

From Kaylith's back Shanlee wags a finger back and forth, "Nuh, uh, uh. Not so fast tailor-boy. First show me the drawings, tell me what you want of me, then I sign the deal," wink. Twisting to ensure Leova is securely buckled in behind her, the Weyrsecond affords her a rueful smile, "Corineth tried to kill me once." Exaggeration? Maybe. Who knows? She continues on, "Other than that, no. Just Kaylith." And before she can blink Aleudre is back again, drawings in hand, "Is making a dress for me of that much importance to you? Or do you just want to see me in my undergarments," no shame this one as sly tease is offered out, "Part one accomplished." Next it's down toward him that her now gloved hand extends downward, speaking as she hauls him, "Part two. What do you want from me in return?"

"Kill you," Leova says doubtfully, poking at her buckles, leaning forward some as her fellow candidate gets up behind her and ignoring dresses and undergarments completely. "He seemed so friendly. Hard to believe... Corineth. Not you, Aleudre," that with a smile in her voice again.

Verdant wings unfurl from Kaylith’s sides and flex. Almost before Shanlee has time to warn to hold on tight, the little green bunches hindquarters and leaps skyward. Catching a thermal her grace and agility in the air soon have them rising up ever higher, almost parallel with the tallest of the seven spires before she’s diving over the edge of the caldera wall and winging her way out to the High Reaches Hold. Laughter almost strips away from the Weyrsecond as the wind rushes by, “Almost had me throwing up he did. Now there’s a joker if ever you wanted to meet one,” this of her former mentor’s brown. Twisting a little to find Leova’s face and that of Aleudre’s, “You alright back there? She promises no tricks, this time,” This time?

You fly up, out of the bowl.

"That's what Rilsa said," Leova first murmurs and then shouts into the wind, leaning out enough from Shanlee's lee that Kaylith's speed plasters her hair back into her face. "Look at it all! She can move, all right!" Vertical as well as horizontal, and in a good, not-buck-you-off way. This time. Landing's more than half a disappointment, though there's a new place to see.

You climb down Kaylith's side to the ground, using her foreleg as a step.

Flagstone Verge - High Reaches Hold
You are standing upon a huge, clean flagstone which is large enough for groups of dragons and their riders to land comfortably upon. A ramp to the east leads into High Reaches Hold, one of the most prosperous Holds on Pern. The stone is shaped in a half-circle which juts out of the rock before the Hold. The colors of High Reaches Hold flank the entrance and a large crest, depicting the nobility of the Reaches, has been carved into the cliff face before you.
To the east are the Main Gates. If you head down the path to the south you'll come to the large stable doors. Back to the west lies the River Road.

Leova hops down Kaylith's side to the ground, using her straps as handholds.

The flight is short and Aleudre is rendered quite speechless as he watches the land below grow fainter and fainter the higher they go. His fingers tighten on the straps at his waist and there's an unmistakable paleness to him. Adjusting eventually, he watches as the Hold slowly comes into view. Once they are landed, he clears his throat a few times and then looks to Shanlee. "Um. Back to that earlier question. Sorry... got lost there. I just figure a Weyrsecond's approval might go along with a Master's, right? Increase my sales production..." As soon as he's instructed to do so, Aleudre is scrambling off of the green's back to the ground.

The flight is short and Aleudre is rendered quite speechless as he watches the land below grow fainter and fainter the higher they go. His fingers tighten on the straps at his waist and there's an unmistakable paleness to him. Adjusting eventually, he watches as the Hold slowly comes into view. Once they are landed, he clears his throat a few times and then looks to Shanlee. "Um. Back to that earlier question. Sorry... got lost there. I just figure a Weyrsecond's approval might go along with a Master's, right? Increase my sales production..." As soon as he's instructed to do so, Aleudre is scrambling off of the green's back to the ground.

For all her tomfoolery, Kaylith is at least delicate when it comes to landings and as such, this one is gentle. Unbuckling first her passengers and then herself, Shanlee slips down to the ground, standing at the ready to offer whatever aid might be required. A quick glance over her shoulder sweeps across the coming and going of foot traffic and curious looks, then she's speaking back to the candidates, spurred by Leova's notation of the dragons speed, "Greens are the smallest of our dragons, but they have the agility and maneuverability the larger dragons don't. Very useful in 'fall. They can't however last a full 'fall and as such we have to rotate them out as they tire," almost in the same breath, "Welcome to High Reaches Hold." Aleudre's comment earns him a speculative look, "I'm sure the Masterweaver would be just thrilled to hear that. C'mon. Show me those drawings while we walk. I've got someone I need to meet with and you two are going to be my alibis," so innocent that grin.

So that's where they are. Leova gives amber-touched Kaylith another, thoughtful look before letting her gaze sweep over the flagstone, the ramp, the crest. The stables! As she passes by Aleudre, she whispers with some admiration, "Nothing to do with a day off chores, of course." Louder, "What's this about alibis?"

Aleudre reaches inside his jacket where he stuffed the sketches. He pulls out the rolled parchment and hands them over to the greenrider as they walk along. Curious stares are met with a cheerfulness he wasn't showing earlier. Upon inspection, the sketches show a myrid of choices - the main one being a form-fitting, elegantly cut, gather dress that has an intricate bodice and a shorter skirt than is currently fashionable. "It's inspired by some of the things Igenintes wear, mind you," he comments as they walk. He nods at Leova with a grin and a wink. Then he latches onto the girl's question and looks to Shanlee as they continue forward. "Alibis?"

There’s a heartbeat where Leova notices the stables, that sets Shanlee’s mouth to a deep smirk. But its there and gone so quickly the candidate likely doesn’t notice it for instead the girl is offered an indulgent smile, “Tell you what. I’ll write a note and sign it for Rilsa and Milani so that they know you two weren’t just shirking your chores, and I’ll let you off the hook. Go take a wander around and I’ll meet you back in the Hold’s courtyard, aye? There’s a swing out in the orchards down there. Oh. And if you wouldn’t mind, could you stop by the kitchens and ask the Cook if she has that bottle of brandy I ordered from her too.” Walking and leafing through the designs Aleudre has to offer, the greenrider’s mouth curls around a deep smirk, tapping her finger at the bodice with shorter skirt creation, “Fashioned after Igenite wear you say?” distinct interest coloring her tone there, “Lower the cut of the bodice across the front if you could and perhaps an open back? And you got yourself a deal.” Nodding with sincerity, “Yes. Alibi’s. If anyone asks where I was today, you simply have to say with you and that I had to meet with……Ah there he is now.” A tall rather thin looking man nods just the once toward the redhead and turns toward the Hold gates, “Back in a bit.”

Aleudre nods his head as they walk along, "Ah. That'd be great. Seeing how most of my fellow candidates like to complain about my lack of 'effort' towards chores." He seems amused by this statement. "Glad you like the sketches and of course I'll make those corrections." As Shanlee goes off towards the man, Aleudre looks to Leova with a shake of the head and a laugh. "This is interesting, sure enough. Alibi's. Huh." He looks to where the greenrider went and then looks to Leova. "Okay, you. Should we collect the brandy and a drink for ourselves, or what?"

Stables! Of course Leova misses that smirk, though her brows go up at the suggestion and she gives Shanlee a pleased, sidelong look that's only a little embarrassed. "Thank you. For the offer. I'll make sure the note gets safely to them. Wouldn't want to shirk chores." Miss them, though? Yes. Win a day off from them? Definitely. Turning back to Aleudre once the weyrsecond's gone, "Was thinking I'd head that way," with a nod to the stables. "But... you recognize that man?"

You enter the hold proper.

You move into the Inner Courtyard.
Inner Courtyard - High Reaches Hold
The Inner Court of High Reaches Hold is not quite as large as the Great Courtyard, but much more spectacularly finished. The south wall is actually an immense slate carving of the map of Pern. You can see the names of the various Holds carved below their locations, and there are raised chips of wood where the fantastic Weyrs can be found. The surfaces of the seas of Pern have been chiseled to resemble turbulent waves, and the triumphant mountains of the land have been raised topographically. The huge but breathtakingly beautiful carving instills within you a sense of awe, and the glorious land presented to you sends chills of pride through your body.
To the west is the archway leading to the Great Courtyard and to the east lie the metal doors to the Great Hall.

Aleudre comes through the archway from the Great Courtyard.

Leova comes through the archway from the Great Courtyard.

"I don't see a reason to go to the stables myself. Runners are the same everywhere on Pern, aren't they?" Aleudre chats to Leova as the pair of them enter through the main gates and amble towards the courtyard. There's a bustle of activity here and there, more than one glance being thrown at the pair of candidates as they move. Still, Aleudre seems to be leading and he's paying attention to where they're going. "Think those doors over there will take us in?" He points towards the large metal ones.

"No," Leova says flatly. At least she doesn't argue with him: it's too nice a day for that, even with those people watching them. "Yes. Big ones, though. And this courtyard, it's meant to impress... Think the kitchen would be around the back." Even so, she goes along with him. "Still wonder who that man is, what she's meeting him for. Got to be a joke though. The alibis."

Almost three hours have passed before the Weyrsecond is ambling back into the courtyard, carefully tucking a piece of hide into her jacket, a smug expression patterning across her expression. The man escorting her at the moment however is not the same one she’d appeared to have gone after earlier if that’s even whom she’d been after. This gentleman, in fact appears to be one of the Lord holder’s stewards by his attire. A few last words are exchanged and the two part ways amicably. Keen eyes seek out the two charges from amongst the throng of people that move about the area her path moving her toward the map where fingers trace lightly over its topography.

In that span of time, much exploring has taken place. Aleudre first went and fetched the necessary items requested before following Leova to look at the stables. It's not long before the pair end up back in the Courtyard, having spent time in other places as well. Aleudre's lounging on a nearby chair and looking rather bored. His fingers drum on the arm and he looks up as the Weyrsecond exits. "There she is." He looks confused. "With someone new."

Leova stops her combined whittling and crowd-watching to look over one shoulder. "Maybe she knows more than one person," she says with an appropriately straight face. "He's fancier, though. Still got the brandy?"

Voices draw Shanlee’s attention to where both candidates are seated, “There you are! Have fun exploring? Safres,” that must be the steward, “was just saying how beautiful the orchards are looking this turn. I haven’t had a chance to go down there in a while.” from within her jacket signed notes of explanation addressed to their candidate co-coordinators, Milani and Rilsa are produced and handed over, “As promised. Did you get the brandy?”

Aleudre rises from his chair as the steward and Shanlee approach. He offers a little bow of greeting to the man and then reaches to take his note. "Good, good. Yes, we've got it." He bends to retrieve a small box that had been stashed beneath his chair. He holds on to it, grinning. "I'll carry it for you, of course."

Leova's slower to stand, with knife to sheathe and wood and scraps to put away: just a little wooden ball, quite small, as from some sort of toy. "Thank you..." a glance to the steward, "Weyrsecond. Hello to you too, sir." Her face is a little flushed, sun perhaps, or anticipation of approaching flight. Leova takes one last look around, as though she might never see this place again. And, if she returns to Tillek, she might.

Fine brows lift in amusement of Aleudre’s formal greeting, the man towards whom it’s directed flicks a look Shanlee’s way then offers simply a vague edge of a smile before moving off back toward the Hold. The tailor-candidate is eyed with a slight air of suspicion as he offers to hold onto the box, “You didn’t drink it did you? Rilsa will have my hide if you did.” Leova’s activity with knife and wood is given curious attention, “You made that while you waiting?” surprise coloring the greenrider’s tone. Her cast around is met with a small smile, “We can come back sometime and visit that swing in the orchards if you like?”

Leova's attention is pulled back, "What? Oh, a little thing. Only hard part is keeping the curve right. So it doesn't wind up an egg." Suddenly self-conscious, she darts a glance at Aleudre before adding, "And I'd like that. We didn't want to get lost this time is all. But maybe," she finds herself a smile again and shares it with Shanlee,"You wouldn't mind a little more brandy."

Added: The candidates were both returned safely back to the Weyr, notes of explanation in hand, Shanlee with brandy in hand. All in all, a good outing.

shanlee, @hrh, *candidate, aleudre, @hrw

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