Log: "Enervating"

May 03, 2008 19:03

RL: May 3, 2008.
VR: Day 31, month 3, Turn 16, of the Interval. It is a spring day.

Leova and Niena talk about traders, sweeps, and healer words after a wing outing.

Hot Spring, High Reaches Weyr (#420RAIJs)
Tucked away against the unrelenting rock of one of the mountains of the High Reaches range is a large hot spring surrounded by trees. The pool resulting from the spring is several dragonslengths accross providing space for perhaps a half-dozen people and their lifemates. Apparently accessible only from the air, a nearby clearing is large enough for a small number of dragons to land. Some distance below the spring, at the abrupt end of a steep trail is another, larger clearing. Heated by a natural geothermal vent, the lightly bubbling spring maintains a comfortably hot temperature all Turn, even when there is snow almost up to the edge of the hot pool.

An outing like that makes real incentive for wingmates to get out of the nippy air and warm /between/-chilled bones in the hot springs. Even Vrianth is soaking for once, and her rider's chin-deep and hugging herself with her arms, keeping an eye on the young green as she moves about the others.

Niena arrives somewhat belatedly, Masoth's hide wet as if she'd just pulled a reverse Polar Bear Club. They both slip into the hot brings, Niena smiling shyly to her wingmates and Masoth warbling merrily... at least once he's warm.

Careful not to get the hot water in her mouth or, worse, up her nose, Vrianth lifts her head out of the water before burbling back at Masoth. For the moment she stays where she is, right in the thick of things, but her rider unwinds an arm and waves Niena over. Lots of room, there. Nobody near. No doubt on purpose, before.

Niena heads over, half-swimming and half-walking. When she finally gets to Leova she sinks down to her neck for real, letting out a relieved sigh.

Leova resettles too, though not with such tight posture this time, and the corners of her mouth even turn up. Though she doesn't really say anything, she vocalizes the agreeing mmm a little more than she has to.

Niena grins. "This is so nice, isn't it. I think the cold helps us appreciate even more then the Istans or Igenites would."

"Think so," though Leova can only guess. Her head turns sideways, slumping against the edge of the pool, so she can smile at Niena again. "Nice, too, that they can be noisy over there." Where she was, not so very long ago. "Room for different people. And no traders."

Niena nods, shuddering. "I heard some of the people at the ball had stuff stolen there. What a way to pay back the hospitality."

Leova's smile fades. "Guess I've been out of it. Stuff stolen? Like what?"

Niena says "Jewelry, coins, I think. Things which I didn't have any of."

Her wingmate has to laugh a little. "Me neither." She tilts her head back to look upward, eyes narrowed against the afternoon sky that's so much brighter than here in the shadows. "Why do they think it was traders?"

Niena hmmms, her expression contemplative. "I guess because they don't want to think it was one of us?"

"And the timing's right," Leova agrees. "Other hand? Have to know it would bring attention their way."

Niena nods slowly. "Although maybe the temptation was just too great. There were a lot of people wearing shiny things."

"Could have been too tempting for whoever it was," Leova supposes. "Maybe, thinking attention would go to the traders made it that much better." She glances again at Vrianth, away. "Or maybe they're just that stupid."

Niena says "True, though it sounds like it was more than one person filching, and I can't imagine there being that many closet thieves at the Weyr."

"Hope not." Leova leaves silence for a little while. "Why does it sound like more than one person?"

Niena says "There was more taken than could fit easily into a few pockets, and most of the costumes didn't seem to have anything so useful on them, anyway."

Leova points out, "Could just go in and out. Be taking a break. Or there are other places to hide things. A mug."

Niena nods. "Or something." She seems to have lost interest in the blame game, however, and changes the subject "How have your wing duties been?"

"Some of those masks." But, belatedly, Leova follows her cue. "Feels like we're settling in. Vrianth still doesn't like sweeps, less there's something," air quotes, "interesting going on." Not that Vrianth makes it a secret, either. "You?"

Niena says "Masoth and I love sweeps -- nice quiet time together. I can see her being more into excitement, though. I'm finally getting used to not being in a dorm, too."

Leova's nod is slow, her eyes lifting to seek that particular blue within the group. "Can see that. For her, though. Isn't necessarily the excitement, though that's part of it. More, the focus. Would rather pay attention to me and whatever she feels like than looking out for whatever comes up, you know?" A sideways smile. "And. Does that mean we should drop by again? Furniture or no furniture."

Niena says "Of course -- any time, so long as we're not supposed to be somewhere else." This is said teasingly. "I really should go and get a chair or two one of these days."

Leova has to chuckle. "Someday, maybe," though not as though it's so important as all that. Dragons to sit on, after all. "Taken Masoth to see the nursery kids again lately?"

Niena says "Every once and again. I think it's good for the children to see a dragon close up, one which is paying attention, not just there."

"Sleeping in the bowl like a big rock," Leova agrees. "Maybe I should take her by. Get a little practice."

Niena sits up a bit more. "Practice? Is there something you've not old me?"

"Didn't think you'd care particularly, just," and blame it on the drills and the heat and the water, but it takes that long for Niena's tone to sink in. Leova all of a sudden gives her a narrow look. "Not like that." A shake of the head goes with it. "No, friend of mine's getting married. Back at Tillek. Bound to be kids all over."

Niena ahs. "It might be good to inure her to them, at that. Although I'm not sure if Holder children would react differently than those at the Weyr. I've heard stories about Hold children actually being afraid of dragons." The last sentence is tinged with disbelief.

"Yes," Leova says simply. "Least, some places. Where they don't see them hardly at all. Not a bad idea for them to stay out of dragons' way, either."

Niena says "I suppose they could seem large, come to that, especially since the surroundings aren't scaled like in a Weyr. But I couldn't see even the crankiest of dragons ever harming a child."

Leova says, looking out over the water, "Think of the crowded hallways, kids running through. Not looking where they're going. Grownups bumping into them, even elbows on accident, maybe stepping on a foot. Don't want an accident to happen."

Niena goes over and communes with Masoth for a while before drifting back again, then sitting beside Leova in silence.

The motion of the water causes Leova to glance over, even more than the bluerider reentering her sight, and she too stays silent for quite sometime. Over in the larger group, Vrianth doesn't look back at them, but then she doesn't have to.

Masoth seems to be nearly dozing in the relaxing heat.

Leova eventually yawns, and then she yawns again, wider this time. "Suppose we shouldn't stay too much longer. Or they'll have to drag us out. With ropes."

Niena giggles. "It is enervating, isn't it. Nice for relaxing, though.

"Ener... what?" Leova gives her the eye.

Niena says "Enervating -- sapping all the energy out of you."

Leova asks in mock suspicion, "That a nanny word?"

Niena shakes her head. "Even worse -- a Healer word."

Leova gasps. "Niena. You're becoming one of them!"

Niena says "Not likely. At worst a dragonhealer."

Leova flicks her fingers, "Close enough."

Niena says "Oh well. I guess I'll just accept my fate."

"Why do I hear you say something about accepting your choices?" Leova wonders.

Niena shrugs. "It seemed profound at the moment." She seems far less profound, even playful.

Leova promptly flicks water at her again.

Masoth decides this seems like fun and flicks some water at Vrianth.

And they all know by now how this can escalate. Which doesn't mean that Vrianth doesn't slap water back at him anyway, with absolutely no regard for the brown trying to sleep near her.

Masoth sidesteps neatly, unlike the poor sleeping brown. Then he splashes back, avoiding getting the sleeping dragon any more wet than he already is.

More splashing back from Vrianth, and then she's swanning in Masoth's direction, wings displayed and angular head aloft on a suddenly snaky neck. Her rider's eyes narrow and she says suddenly, "Going to take her back." Not that Vrianth stops right away. She doesn't. She won't.

Masoth warbles curiously at his sister, apparently oblivious to any treachery on her part.

"Now." Vrianth blows a puff of firestone breath right at Masoth's nose, then permits herself to be persuaded to move on as though that's what she had meant all the time. Leova reaches back to grab the garment she'd brought with her, an oversized hooded towel sewn more like a caftan than anything, and skinnies out of the water and into it. "Will take us a minute, got to get dried off some before her straps go on, but I'll get her out of his hair."

Masoth gives a surprised trumpet, no doubt awakening the brown and any other dragon who might be dozing. Niena immediately swims over to him, concern apparent in her expression. "Did she burn you?" Masoth is obviously not burned, though, and doesn't even smell of firestone from what little was left on Vrianth's breath. Niena gives a sigh which would be exaggerated were it not so genuine.

"Sorry, sorry," Leova calls over in a hurry, angling looks past Vrianth even while she's cinching the hood's tie and then sticking her feet bare in her boots. And then another look. Poor brown. Not that Vrianth shares the sentiments. Vrianth is busy getting herself ready to be dried without a look for anyone. "See you tonight? Dinner. Or tomorrow?"

Niena nods. "That sounds good." Now that she's sure Masoth is all right, she's her calm self again.

And that's enough to relax Leova some, or at least not to make things quite so urgent, though she's still in a hurry to get Vrianth tidied up and out of there. Leathers too. Anything else? She looks. Nothing else. "All right." Another look at Niena, at Masoth, and then she swings up and a moment later they're in the air.

Niena waves after them, whether they see it or not.

niena, *snowstrike, @hrw

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