Log: Milani, Interior Decorator

Apr 28, 2008 12:23

RL: April 28, 2008.
VR: Day 6, month 3, Turn 16, of the Interval. It is a spring morning.
(Dragon poses added to log from Milani)

Milani helps Leova out with her weyr. Vrianth goes flying. Fast.

Sunset Across the Lake Ledge
Broad and flat, this large ledge could likely hold a bronze dragon and a visitor comfortably, if with little room to spare. Slanting slightly downward so that any rain may spill over the unsheltered outcropping, the bumpy ledge has smooth grooves that travel like wagon wheel tracks from where the weyr entrance begins to the very edge, paths worn smooth by turns of wind and running water. Dug into the rock next to the opening of the sheltered sanctuary and where the ledge begins to dwindle before disappearing into the wall entirely, a small cavern has been dug so that someone could carefully climb in and sit comfortably for a while. The view from the ledge reveals just why a cozy hidey-hole might be valuable, with its location almost directly behind the lake, this weyr's true treasure lies in its perfect sunset watching spot.

Vrianth comes to a wings-out landing right in the middle of her ledge, nothing like the precision she can swing with other dragons around: it's hers, and she'll take up as much of it as she wants. It's enough to make Leova laugh even as she starts unbuckling. "Good weather, isn't it? All that sun." Cold, cold enough for crackdust, and sun.

Milani sighs a little as Vrianth lands. "Yeah, great weather for flying," agrees the assistant headwoman, a look quirked up at the sky. "I almost hate to land!" Bright-voiced and her hands are dropping to buckles too, unclipping and then sliding down Vrianth's olive side. "The Fall break must be nice too, since it's so cold."

"Careful, or we'll be taking off again." But that laughter's still low in Leova's voice, and once she's swung down she gives Vrianth an open-palmed thump that sets the green to crooning. "Pretty much. Doesn't feel like a break, since it was this way when we started, but it's a good way to get used to things. Just the lowlands and all." Not so often. Leova glances towards their weyr, but doesn't move that direction just yet, spending a few moments more with Vrianth.

"Yeah, maybe it's /not/ such a good thing then, because you've not really gotten used to Fall ..." Milani thinks on that for a second as she reaches to unbutton her jacket in spite of not being indoors yet. "Mind if I go in?" she asks, a form of blunt politeness. "I should get the lay of the land before I start pushing your couch around." With a broad wink about the furniture-moving.

Leova says, "Nothing wrong with taking it slow." A sidelong look. "Unless you ask Vrianth." The crooning's broken by a snort, and then a light push of the muzzle that sets the greenrider leading the way. Their weyr, after all.

"Oh sure, build up to it gradually? Yeah I can see that," Milani chirps out blithely and gets that last button loose. She laughs a little at the comment about Vrianth. "I'm not really surprised that she's eager!" Doffing her knitted hat, she lets Leova walk ahead, then falls in step behind her, following inside.

Vrianth's Dimly Lit Weyr
Stepping inside through the lower ledge entrance, the weyr opens up into two parts that curve in a partial circle. The first and largest part of the cavern lies straight back from the ledge and cradles a well-worn dragon couch more suited to a bronze. Within that massive indentation, the young green's rushes create a much smaller, softer pool.
From there the weyr wraps around, its inner depths shielded by the curving wall, but also by thick draperies that can be pushed aside by humans or even Vrianth if she chooses.
The inner weyr has been dug a little more square here, allowing one to push furniture back against the walls more easily, and features a hearth against the far wall. A large bed against the right wall, covered in thick mats and furs, must have been there already. However, the other furniture hasn't been arranged particularly, just piled up to one side of the curtains. There's one round table that seats four but has been supplied with five mismatched chairs, all with upholstered seats and runged wooden backs. Near it is a sturdy wooden settee that sits two, the canvas a shade not far off Vrianth's hide. There's also a wash stand with basin and pitcher, a wooden oval mirror leaning against one wall, a chest of drawers rather than a press, and a set of simple glowbaskets.

They go in, and Vrianth doesn't even look to see the strawberry-blonde hair vanish into the dimness before leaping out onto the wind. One pass over the lake, just slow enough to draw attention, starts to become another before she spots Haraith lengths higher than she. And that's when she starts speeding.

It's pretty much all how Milani saw it during the initial move in, just as clean and a little more settled. There are rushes now, though, arranged into spirals all ready for Vrianth to lie down and disrupt them. Once past the curtains, the chairs have been set around the table, and the settee's been pulled to block immediate view of the bed. "So I was thinking, maybe making clusters, or something. Or even moving the table back out into her weyr, but it's been nice to have the hearth. If it weren't so square it would be easier."

Milani stands for a moment, taking it all in, with her hands on her hips. "Mmm, clusters, definitely. Make a sitting area near the hearth. Will the bed move? If we could scoot it over about a foot ..." she's eyeing the layout. "And then draw the settee up right over there, so you can talk to people at the table, but have it be like a little nook for just you too, for when you want to read or curl up and just think or whatver." She's gesturing the whole time, pointing here and there, and then shaking her coat off, draping it over the back of one chair, twisting her hair up atop her head and pinning it in place with what would be recognized as a chopstick on Earth.

Haraith lets Vrianth catch up but makes her work for it. Which is fine, if that's what he wants, but as soon as she's near Vrianth all but stops on extended wings. Suddenly she's swerving the opposite direction, at an angle to the wind, not looking at him at all.

"It will move," Leova says just slightly grimly, shrugging off her own jacket likewise. "Wherever we want it to. Was thinking, maybe have the settee facing away from the bed, which helps block the view too. Not much, but some." And then the greenrider stops. "Actually. Think it would work, attach some of those high posts, hang draperies around the bed? That the sort of thing Lessom could do?"

"You shy about people seeing your bed or something?" Milani asks with a look quirked from beneath brows as she finishes patting her hair into place. "But sure, or just move it far enough back tht it's out of the line of sight." She dimples a bright smile at the greenrider next though. "Ohh yeah, he could, especially if I sweeten him up a little for you first." Brazen wink following. "And actually you might not even /need/ to do posts ..." she ambles over to the bed and stands beside it looking up at the ceiling. "You could do like what I did in my room and just use the ceiling ..."

Vrianth doesn't look back, doesn't look down. Haraith's not that much bigger than she, and they have been playing these games nearly since they were hatched. Faster. She swerves again, but this time he doesn't fall for it, cutting across the distance between them.

The only answer Leova has for that is, "Can just pull the curtains if I haven't bothered to make it." She looks up, too, walking after Milani without looking down. "How hard is it to get hooks into stone? Enough to carry poles, anyway. Don't bother sweetening on my account, though, unless you're in the mood anyway."

"I like to flirt," Milani says to the ceiling, still eyeing the rock. "There, crack there, crack there ... yeah. If you've got a good enough mallet and strong arms, which Lessom totally does, he could put the hooks right into the ceiling and then you can go nuts with interesting draperies if that's your thing. I've got my room set up almost like a tent. Makes it feel all soft and cozy instead of rocky and small." Her eyes drop and she turns about on her heel "You've got a lot more space of course. Plenty really, to set this up real good. Okay, I still think we should shove the bed over a little more, it'll open out the space ... and then yeah, settee there, table there, chairs around ... mirror on that wall. Wash stand by the bed ... and shells you know that corner is just /begging/ for an armchair and a sidetable for a soft draped basket of glows." Gee. She wasn't kidding about liking the interior decorating.

The Spindles are getting closer and closer, though, and Vrianth knows them nearly as well as her own claws. And they might as well be, the way she uses them: in, out, a fast right hook. Haraith has to slow, and she swings a look back to make sure. But he's still coming for her.

"Could probably talk Vrianth into lifting him up that high," Leova guesses. "Cozy's good." Only thing is, her eyes start widening some, swinging a look at the corner in question as Milani keeps going on. "Could be. One thing at a time, hm? Or a couple things. One advantage to the uprights instead of hanging hooks from the ceiling, though, you move the bed, don't have to move the hooks. Do the painting after everything else is in place." She leans on a chair. "One thing I'd like to look for is a full-length wardrobe. And a couch, a bigger one. Not for me though."

"Yeah, that's a good point too, but then they're just ... around the bed, the draping won't make interesting shapes and angles like you can with the ceiling. But anyway, either way, I'll talk Lessom into doing it. Won't be hard, he's totally in love with me." With an airy hand gesture that sort of waves that off. Her gaze slips back around the entire room and she nods. "I don't know about wardrobes, but I'll take a look, see if we have anything suitable. Othewise, it's Lessom and his hammer and nails building you one custom." She slides a sidelong look at the greenrider. "Oh yeah? Who needs a big couch?"

A moment later, they're past the rocky spires and Vrianth uses the distance gained to swerve all over again. This time, Haraith guesses wrong, but that's when Idriloth drops out of the sun, blindsiding them both. It's a good trick.

"Maybe you'd better show me yours sometime," Leova says after a moment. "Not sure what you're meaning about angles and things." She runs her hand over the chair's back, finally resting her thumb in one of the decorative dust-catching grooves. "Barracks does. Weyrling barracks. But. Milani? Know you like to flirt and all, but would it hurt to just ask him instead of putting on a show?"

"Sure. Any time. Fourth door on the right off the balcony in the common room," Milani explains promptly about her room and moves over towards the bed frame apparently intent on pushing at it. "Barracks, oh sure. I'daur should just /ask/ you know." An eyeroll for the vagaries of men and then she tilts a look over her shoulder at Leova and laughs. "Well sure, it about amounts to the same thing. But he likes to play the game, see."

And now they're teaming up, Idriloth and Vrianth, their turn to hunt Haraith. He knows what's coming, but that won't stop them. Not even close. Off they go, leaving the Weyr far behind. It's a lucky thing for Haraith that Vrianth had outflown him, because now he has more distance that they'll have to eat up. Still, they're closing, twin pincers becoming a trap.

Leova's nod relaxes the set of her jaw, but she doesn't leap up to help with the bed just yet. Instead, hands still on the back of the chair, "Not exactly like that. See, apparently I can have the one that's down there, one of them I mean. If I just don't go bothering him about the swap. Something like that anyway, she said."

Milani gives another little push and then pauses again, blinking at Leova and then bursts out laughing. "Right. Because he hates being bothered about anything, our dear Weyrlingmaster. Okay. No problem." Beat. "She who?"

Closer, closer, and they have just about got Haraith, Vrianth just above and behind, Idriloth coming in from the side. Almost there.

"Vrianth. Who else?" It's rhetorical the way Leova says it, pushing away from the chair to go give Milani a hand with the bed. Which is made, but then, Milani's coming up was prearranged. "Don't know if you have any idea how good it felt just to fling stuff any which way, coming into our weyr, after the barracks. But then things just seemed crumpled. Messy." Which may be why they aren't that way now, even beyond matters of hospitality.

"Oh. Thought you might've meant Persie if someone was arranging things for I'daur," Milani replies and gives the bed another healthy shove. "I'll bet. It's all like, clean corners and spit spot this and that." The assistant headwoman says with a laugh. "Even the dorms ... well it's more relaxing to have your own space, even if it's tiny." Likely about her own room. She eyes the bed and nods. "Okay, I think that's good."

And that's when the teams change, Vrianth heading not for Haraith but straight into Idriloth's wingspace, startling him into veering off with a bugle. Haraith's right on the other blue's tail now, and that gives Vrianth a moment to catch her breath before pushing onward again.

"No." Leova frowns at the bed. It may be good, but she nudges it some more with hands and knee anyway, other leg braced behind her, putting some brawn into it. There. "Though she did say, she was going to ask about staying on. Even after we're tapped." Clean corners, piles of furniture, she has it both ways. "Want to make sure there's room for Vrianth to get wherever she wants to go in this area, too. Not that she mostly does, just so she can. Reminds me. Ran into your brother the other day. And T'mic."

"Oh yeah? That's interesting. I guess she likes working for I'daur then!" Milani grins brightly, taking this as good news. "Vrianth can get in here?" Blinking a little in surprise she eyes the entryway, then nods. "Huh, guess she could at that." Blue-green eyes skim back around and fix on the greenrider. "Oh yeah? Boy, I thought I was a flirt. That guy is ten times worse than me," is Millie's rapid-fire assessment.

Vrianth's flying more slowly now, and with good reason, given how those dragons like to push themselves. Given the choice between nearing her or Haraith, Idriloth makes the obvious choice.

"In one way or another," Leova says in a way that could be agreement. "People do like to feel... useful." She stretches, hands on hips, her tone shifting from dry to something more like surprise as she looks back to Milani. "Wasn't, actually. Thought he would be, but a whole lot less than most. Might even look him up, you want a ride to Ista sometime. Wants to know about A'son anyway."

Milani shoves back a loose strand of hair and goes to move the settee a little, twitching it this way and that until she likes the look of it. There's the mirror to hang too, but it needs a hook so that's another item for Lessom's 'honey-do' list. "He didn't stare at you and tell you you're pretty? Wow." She eyes Leova a little skeptically then nods. "Sure, I'd like that. I like flying with you and Vrianth. And I should probably apologize for being a little bit rude to him last time I saw him." Her eyes drop as she shifts the settee again, reaches down to plump up one of its pillows. "Wants to know about Ays, huh. Well. I can do that." A suddenly bright and chipper smile crosses her face. "Okay, table next!" And it's a busy few minutes getting the rest moved about a bit.

Which is, of course, when Vrianth pours on the speed, herding Idriloth right where Haraith can reach him. And when he does, the teams change yet again, and the games go on.

"No." Leova's low voice isn't surprised or resigned, just factual. "Rude, hm? Well, a little information could make an apology go down easy. Here. Don't do that by yourself." And she pitches in. As she should.

Later, when the women are done for now with the weyr, they emerge to find Vrianth all but asleep on her ledge. Right where she had been. She might never have left at all.

*flurry, milani, @hrw

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