Log: Eat and Run (Ragged)

Mar 26, 2008 20:17

RL: March 26, 2008.
VR: Day 16, month 10, Turn 15, of the Interval. It is a autumn afternoon.
(Sionath pros added to original log from Milani)

Rhonda gets lunch. Leova gets lunch. Milani gets tithe and a break from tithe. Vrianth wants more rain but gets something unexpected from Sionath. And Vrianth gets Leova.

Kitchen, High Reaches Weyr
The kitchens of High Reaches Weyr are contemporary, spare and simple in design, free of clutter. The sleek surfaces are a hallmark of the current Pernese style - polished marble and granite, metalwork, and woods. The background colors of the kitchen are light and neutral, allowing for bold tone accessories to take center stage. The lighting and entryway opening treatments are low-profile and minimalist. The hearths have been fitted with modern equipment and simple, sleek metalwork to add an up-to-date touch to the heavily used areas.
The polished granite counters are long and wide, allowing for ample work space. The woodwork is lightly stained, bringing out the natural hues in the grain. A simple cording, in the same bold color as the accessories, borders each cabinet door, accenting the room. Two large islands break up the kitchen into work areas: baking center, butchery, vegetable and side center, and the serving organization center. The floor is tiled with large marble squares, each section carrying a different, yet complimentary color to direct the flow of traffic. The entryway into the living cavern has been expanded to fit two doors - in and out - each marked with its own identifying color that matches the tiles just inside the doors, to keep collisions from occurring. The cavern itself has been expanded to include breakfast nooks, where residents can sit to eat, while leaving the main kitchen free from tables and the traffic that accompanies a busy Weyr.

The kitchens are about as loud as they ever get, finishing up everything for the noon meal and getting it out the doorway to the hungry hordes beyond. But to someone who's gotten used to it, and who more importantly isn't on duty, it's a sort of white noise that can be ignored. At least, since there's soup. Plenty of vegetables, plenty of broth. Bread. And Leova's favorite cheese tarts, though this time they're sweet instead of spicy. She's quick with the soup, drinking up great spoonfuls with the energy of someone running on fumes and high on them too. Rhonda's quicker yet, though, finishing her smaller portion of soup and folding up four of the small tarts into a napkin to take with her. She mutters something to Leova before clearing out.

On the heels of Rhonda's departure, Milani slides into the kitchen looking a little ragged around the edges herself and she pauses by the counter to steal some of those pastries and a mug of klah before spotting Leova. She hestitates for a moment, then drops into the spot Rhonda just vacated without asking permission. "Surviving?" she tosses out the single word question and promptly jams her mouth full of tart and a swallow of klah.

It comes out sort of like, "Yeh." Leova shoves over the basket with the napkins so Milani can have one if she wants, and inhales another couple spoonfuls in succession. The good way. Not the choking way. "You? Tithe." Now she stuffs bread in her mouth, softening it up with some more broth.

Milani takes a napkin, brushes at her chin with it, keeps right on chewing. "Mmph" through the mouthful and she swallows. "Yeah. Crom's is mostly sorted out, just in time to get another bunch of wagons in from one of the minor holds." She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, pushes back bits of hair that have come loose from her braid. "When it's all in though, it's a good thing. Just a little hectic before we sort of ... hunker down for winter."

"Rain," Leova mutters through the last of her bread. Vrianth likes it. Vrianth can have it. "Tillek's all right? Mud." Time to shovel in some more vegetables that had been stranded beyond the high-broth-mark.

"Vrianth likes the rain? Hm. Yeah I agree with you. I mean playing out in it in the summer is one thing, but the downpours aren't much fun." She munches some more, companionably and washes her mouth clean with klah. "All the news I have from Tillek is good. But yes, lots of mud. I guess it's holding up some of the wagons."

Another "Yeh," from Leova. Not happily. As Milani continues to explain, she continues to eat, at the end waving her spoon in the classic want-to-talk mouth-too-full maneuver. A hard swallow later, "Fly 'em?"

"They'd have to send someone ahead to ask for the help - or someone'd have to see them," Milani points out. "But yeah, helping out to get your own food in only makes sense." She grins across the table at Leova and takes another big bite of tart.

"Sweep." It would have been a rarely-used word, at least in this context, not so long ago. Little Foot is a full half Turn old. But speaking of getting food in, Leova spares a last, "Good," and a smile, before scraping up the last of her soup with quick spoonfuls.

"Right, they'd have to be seen on sweeps," Milani fills in with a smile and finishes off that first tart. Her chin props into her hand and she considers Leova for a long moment. "You're talking even less than before you Impressed. Did Vrianth steal all your words, or are you just /that/ tired?" Because she rarely flinches from saying things straight up.

High Reaches Weyrling dragons sense that Vrianth broadcasts sheer happiness, unusual given how her Leova is not currently in attendance, humming to herself in that gravelly voice of hers and not beyond sharing it with everyone else nearby, too. Of course, anyone listening more closely will find that she's glorying in the rain and asking the rain for more, more, more. And then it stops. Sudden silence.

Vrianth senses that Sionath reaches out a silvery tendril of surf-lined thought, trailing ocean's waters along the connection rather than rain, an echo from the deep and then pulls back.

Leova's eyes lift from the just about empty soup bowl to Milani, expression shifting from blank to confused to defensive to a laugh, as quick as her spoonfuls earlier. "Eating." She tilts the bowl so Milani can see it. Though her tunic's straining at shoulders and upper arms, it's from muscle. She adds, "Rain's stopped."

"Good thing to be eating too. Would you like some more?" Milani offers, lining up the two tarts she has left on her napkin. "And it has? Oh good, maybe I can duck outside and get some fresh air. Nothing quite like being stuck in Stores all day."

Sionath senses that Vrianth surges out of her sulk to taste that watery thought. But then, what she can reach of it proves to be Other. Mineral. Not what it was supposed to be. Vrianth makes an awful noise in dismay and she pulls back too, reaching.

Leova shakes her head, pointing with her chin to the remaining cheese tarts beside her. "Good time to. Don't know how long it..." Leova grimaces then. Time's up. She stands all in a hurry, copying Rhonda with the napkin trick, and says as her only explanation, "/Her/."

Vrianth senses that Sionath slips back into conscious thought, carrying the taste of the sea with her, all edged in silvery and green. << You will see it some day, >> the enigmatic promise and a flash of sea and sky together and swimming far and deep and everything to be seen there. Mineral indeed.

"Sure, lunchtime," Milani agrees, perhaps misunderstanding and then there's a nod and she shifts one of her own tarts over into Leova's napkin. "Keep the strength up," she says sincerely and smiles up at the Weyrling. "See you around, Leova."

Sionath senses that Vrianth, so unfamiliar with the silver-salt wildness of the sea, may well remember the vision later. But now she pulls again. Elsewhere. Harder.

Leova barely gets bowl and spoon put away without breaking anything before she's yanked out the door on some invisible string.

emilly, milani, @hrw, *weyrling

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