Last Friday I graduated from the San Francisco School of Bartending. It was a two week course that costed me $425 plus $95 for BART to get to the city and $10 in parking for two weeks at BART. It was worth while though. I got to learn how to make a lot of cool drinks. Ofcourse, they don't use real alcohol in the bottles, but rather colored water. I had to memorize 120 drinks for the final on graduation day. I had to take a three page written test and on the last page I had to list 20 drink receipes out of 120 drinks I memorized. I had to write down what glasses they are supposed to be poured/made in, whether the drinks were shaken or not, how many fluid ounces of each alcohol (spirit) or juice or soda, what type of alcohol, and what garnishes if any go on the drinks. I received a 99.5% on the written test. I was very happy to say the least. Next, we had to make 12 drinks in 7 minutes. I made all 12 in 7 minutes including having all the correct straws, garnishes, glasses, etc., except on the last drink I could not remember what the fill was on a Washington Apple(a drink). I remembered it had Crown Royal whiskey and Apple Pucker, but for the life of me I could not remember the fill! I remembered after the test that it was cranberry juice. I knew that too! Oh well. I still graduated at top of my class. I am looking to bartend at night to pay for the marketing of my website: ticktockonline, and ofcourse to help pay for bills. I know a couple of bar owners and bartenders so hopefully I will find a job soon. I just did a resume the other night for it. Next, I need to work on my cover letter. Anyway, that's what I have been up to. Here is a picture below of me and my fellow bartending students/now friends:
P.S. The lady in pink at the left-bottom corner was one of my instructors. She was hella cool! :)