rants, to-do list, useless thoughts, etc

Jul 02, 2006 15:07


i seriously hate c-day because of all the assburgers that come out of the woodwork and crowd the streets downtown (and everywhere else basically). Will someone please let me in on this huge secret as to why people enjoy comming in flocks downtown to just roam the streets dressed as captain canada's while yelling WOOHOO at anything that moves. seriously, WTF MAN! WTFFFFFF!!
I did really feel out of place in the crowd though while i walked to work, i wasn't aware that i was supposed to dress all in khaki attire. what do i know eh?
whatever, i worked 10 straight hrs dealing with absolute brain dead humans and then again today i worked another 5 hours dealing with all the leftover brain deads. i love life apparently!!!!!!

now i have to seriously scrubb/clean my whole house because it's been neglected for the past 4 weeks due to no one being home/not caring about filth/being lazy. i guess i'll do laundry too while i'm at it, i think being clean is a MUST for the upcomming week.

so ya i'm moving out in 2 months. where to i have absolutely no clue but i'm sure things will fall into place. ( i hope) if nothing works out right at the beginning i'll just intrude on peoples lives and set up camp on thier couches/living room floors. theres also a possibility of me moving to vancouver some time. theres lots of fashion designer work out there that i can get because here there is diddly squat nothing and it's useless for me to even exist here. but i dunno, that just means that i'll have to give up everything here that i live for : ie, wednesday, thursday, friday , saturday, sunday night slut squad drinking nights and total awesome peeps. WHO KNOWS, JUST A THOUGHT THOUGH!

this is getting to be really long and there really is no need for me to have written 95% of any of that.

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