Feb 21, 2016 21:39
Late this afternoon (February 21, 2016) I finally completed my duct tape dummy (DTD), or duct tape mannequin, as I rather prefer to call it, since I don't like using the word "dummy". This project took a very long time (not going to say how long), the stuffing of which was wrought with problems, but now finally is done. I can move ahead with pattern creation now. I was really hoping to have this done by the end of December, so I could use it to make a spacesuit (which I've wanted since I was 14 years old) for an upcoming local sci-fi con, but now that's not possible to do as the con's only 2 weeks away. Hopefully I'll have it ready for next year.
So next I will attempt to make a pattern for Leostarr's bodysuit. I haven't decided yet if I want to make a one piece bodysuit or a two piece. There are advantages to either, but I've been leaning towards a 2 piece design. Whichever I choose, once decided I'll have to move forward quickly without looking back as I only have about a month and a half until FurThe'More 2016. I have not been good with deadlines, because I always seem to encounter project-halting problems that take months to solve. Can't predict when I'll be done, so I doubt I'd ever take on a paid commission for anyone... I'm not a business person anyway. BTW I finally finished up Leostarr's bowling/ice skating fursuit paws in mid-December. These feet paws were the hardest thing I've made yet for this fursuit, although I've yet to make a head.
I'll come back and edit this entry later to include a picture of the DTD.
duct tape dummy,