May 25, 2007 10:12
Well it's been a while since i updated. THe time has come, beacuse Alot is happening.
For those that knew, i sprained my ankle the last week of school. I have been hobblin along fo rhte last month. We wondered why it wasn't healin right. Well, now we know. I tore two of the three ligaments in my left ankle. I'm haviing Surgery on the 7th or june.
I probably will not be up and abotu for atleast 3 to 4 weeks,a dn even then very limited. I probably wont be traveling, so for those that were hopin to see me this summer, i ownt be abel to make the trip. You guys are more than welcome ot come see me thoguh, although sleepng arrangemtnes would be wierd. Total recovery will take anywhere form 4-6 months. I will be back at purdue in August, btu very limited in mobility.
My mom has aked to see the vidoe of the accident that caused the ankle. FOr those that havent seen it, Look up "spin Kick Luckett" on google vidoe or youtube. It should pop up.
I hate this, Summer was supposed to be relaxing, but not liek this.
Im also having a surgery to remove a small lipoma in my back the week b4(may 31st).
Im glad im on anxiety medicine finally, cause i am very anxious.
Well that is the main update. Evreythinf else, check facebook, or ask the peopel who know me, they should know what's up.
alos my mom has decided i am depressed, she's not completely off. This just sucks.
OK im done being emo
Hopefully i can see some of you b4 the summer is up. I love each and every one of you. YOu know where I'll be, on the couch.