Still Irate

Aug 30, 2010 13:15

I guess I should have known better than to try to have a discussion with someone whom I know thinks the complete opposite from me on most social issues. She's Republican, I'm not. The issue was a news story about an inmate in a PA prison who has been subjected to torture and rape etc from inmates and guards (he's now in a coma). He's a child pornographer, and my friend had the link on her status and said, basically, haha he deserves it. I said that I don't care about his getting bad treatment from inmates, but I don't think the guards doing that is a good thing. There are plenty of people in prison who may have done bad things but they don't deserve to be made to stand naked in their cell for days on end or for guards to facilitate their beatings by inmates, and that it is foolish to think that sadistic guards would confine their actions only to people who "deserve" it. She kept just repeating that pedophiles deserve what they get, and barely addressed the fact that guards shouldn't do that, finally saying that since she posted it she thought she got to choose the debate theme, but go ahead and keep defending pedophiles. She put a "lulz" at the end of her comment, so maybe she thought she was being funny and I wasn't supposed to take that seriously, but sorry... If you're unable to have an adult discussion or debate with someone who points out something you don't want to deal with, put a fucking disclaimer up: Please, only yes-men need reply to this post. (Which is what happened. One person acknowledged I "had a point", but no one was willing to discuss the fact that these guards should not be abusing their power the way they were. No one came to my defense. Possibly all her other friends realize arguing a point with her is useless.

All I can say is, I am still incredibly pissed about it. I hid her on FB, but I almost want to just delete her from my friends. We were really close at one point but we haven't been for ten years. An apology would be accepted, but I don't think it's coming.
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