Ten Vampire Show Cliches

Jul 02, 2010 01:22

I LOVE vampire shows. (Good ones.) And I love most despite these crazy cliches:

1.  Tortured Vampire. He's sad about being a darn vampire!
      Offenders: Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, True Blood, Moonlight, Forever Knight, The Vampire Diaries, Dark Shadows

2.  Second String Vampire is WAY cooler than First String Vampire. He's fun and gets much better dialogue.
      Offenders: Angel (season 5), Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Moonlight, True Blood, The Vampire Diaries, Forever Knight
 2b. And hotter: Angel, BTVS, Moonlight, True Blood, The Vampire Diaries

3. Vampire Cop/Detective: He's atoning for his centuries of badness!
     Offenders: Forever Knight, Angel, Moonlight

4.  Present Day Lookalike of Past Love: It's important to recycle!
      Offenders: Dark Shadows, The Vampire Diaries

5. Vampire (who should know how to do this expertly) disposes of dead body, but it is shortly (sometimes immediately) found.
     Offenders: BTVS, The Vampire Diaries, True Blood

6. Prior Misdeeds Come Back to Fuck With Them. (Often in the form of another Vampire. Those guys can really hold a grudge!)
     Offenders: Angel, BTVS, Dark Shadows, Forever Knight, The Vampire Diaries

7. Magic Doodad Lets Them Endure Sunlight. Every vamp's favorite accessory!
     Offenders: Angel, BTVS, The Vampire Diaries

8. Someone's Looking for a Cure! (It never sticks!)
     Offenders: Dark Shadows, Forever Knight, Moonlight

9. Vampire Becomes Briefly Human
     Offenders: Angel, Moonlight

10. Good Vamp Goes Bad (and Bad One Goes Good)
       Offenders: Angel, BTVS, True Blood, The Vampire Diaries

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