Dec 12, 2011 03:05
- Вс, 13:34: Kind of nervous about my upcoming sleep study but hopeful that it will tell me why I feel tired and sleep all the time
- Вс, 13:55: @ SuperNerdTamiaL yay and happy birthday to your sister :)
- Вс, 13:58: @ writerlisamason just relaxing and watching a marathon of Criminal Minds. What about you?
- Вс, 14:07: @ SuperNerdTamiaL @ zacharxlevifan @ charleycarey @ chucksarahmedia what's up today and I caught some of the VGA's :D. @ adamolsen wrote it?
- Вс, 14:11: @ adamolsen didn't get to see much of the VGA's but I heard you wrote it? :)
- Вс, 14:19: you're a man of many talents aren't you @ zacharylevi? :) being consulting producer of the VGA's and all @ adamolsen
- Вс, 14:22: @ charleycarey @ chucksarahmedia @ supernerdtamial @ zacharylevifan @ adamolsen I only saw the last 3t minutes or so
- Вс, 14:33: @ SuperNerdTamiaL @ charleycarey @ chucksarahmedia @ ZacharyLeviFan @ adamolsen huh? You lost me lol
- Вс, 14:46: @ writerlisamason same to you :)
- Вс, 15:51: @ SuperNerdTamiaL how thirsty are you? Lol. I didn't know sugar dissolved faster in hot liquids
- Вс, 17:29: @ MiamiNory if you want we can swap our stuff :)
- Вс, 21:23: All's quiet in the Twitterverse tonight. What's everyone up to?
- Пн, 01:49: Two eeeks until Christmas???!!! Wow...Looking forward to spending time with my dad and the rest of the family :)
- Пн, 02:58: Going to bed. Night everyone :)